Zeal or Righteousness?

Zeal or Righteousness?

1Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. 

2For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. 

3For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God. 

4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. 

Romans 10:1-4, NASB95

I once worked for a guy who was the consummate motivator. He was a football player and an aspiring football coach. Circumstances to him were less important than attitude. I never saw him without a smile on his face. He was always motivating. I imagine that if he were my son’s little league coach, the score could be 100 to 0 with two minutes to play and he would passionately tell the team that there was still a chance for victory. He had zeal! 

Paul said the same thing of the Jews, His kinsmen according to the flesh…his fellow countrymen. They were passionate about the Law but saw the Law as the means by which we achieve righteousness. This is in direct conflict with the gospel. If my beliefs or your beliefs require us to do anything to earn our salvation, then our faith is no longer in the good news (Gospel) because there is nothing we can do that earns our righteousness. In fact, as verse four states, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness…to all who believe. 

That means that earnestness will not make us right with God. Transparency will not make us right with God. Authenticity will not make us right with God. Good deeds that we do will not make us right with God. Only Christ can make us right with God because only Christ is the end of the law for righteousness. 

This is good news…and bad. It is good news because it levels the ground around the cross. You are not behind. You are not ahead. You are precisely equal with every other human being from Adam to the Apostle Peter, John to Jude, and from Malachi to Matthew. No one is excluded at all. The bad news is…we struggle to believe that we are bad enough to need a Savior. We think that in the pecking order of sin, surely, we are more righteous than Hitler, or Osama Bin Laden, or Chris Aiken. Surely! But we are not. In fact, the more we understand God and His gracious plan of redemption, the more humbled we become. We are slow to try to compare ourselves with others, and we certainly don’t elevate ourselves to a place of judging others in a manner that conflicts with the Word of God. If God says “forgive” …we don’t reply, “Yea, but…”. 

In many ways, it seemed that Paul was so grieved because his countrymen felt they had an inside line, an advantage, a Fast Pass to get through the Pearly Gates and he argues that what should have been an advantage (the Covenant and the Law), because they had misused it, actually became to be an obstacle to overcome. 

The same could be said for religious people today. Your neighbors perhaps. Maybe even you. Stop giving your resume to the Lord. Stop relying on “standing” from your good works. Instead, fall down before Jesus, surrender to His reign in your life, and find that which truly satisfies…the righteousness that only Christ can provide. 

Choose not to cheat

In this section of Romans, Paul gives an analogy of marital faithfulness to clarify our relationship to the Law as believers who are saved by grace. He says unequivocally that the Law is dead, and we are now irrevocably joined to the covenant of grace. He further states that this new life of grace is the only way we may bear fruit for God. 

4Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. 

Romans 7:4, NASB95

Of course, he sets up the argument by discussing the Law and its teaching on adultery. 

1Or do you not know, brethren (for I am speaking to those who know the law), that the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives? 2For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is living; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law concerning the husband. 3So then, if while her husband is living, she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is not an adulteress though she is joined to another man. 

Romans 7:1-3, NASB95

These four verses illuminate the fact that if we are to marry grace, the Law must be dead to us. What is the relationship to the Law? In the Old Testament Law, God’s people were chosen by Him and called by His name. He entered a covenant with them where, as a condition of the covenant, their blessing demanded their obedience to God’s commands. While mine is an imperfect analogy, think of this covenant like your employment agreement. You are given a job and as a result, you must fulfill certain expectations. If you do not fulfill your responsibilities, your employer may not fulfill his. 

Under the Law, when you failed to fulfill the covenant expectations, you were to go to the Priest and offer a costly sacrifice, prescribed by God in the Law, as atonement for your sin. As you offered it, you sought the Lord’s mercy and prayed for his acceptance of the sacrifice in your place. 

Under the covenant that Jesus ushered in, there was only one sufficient sacrifice—Jesus Himself. He satisfied the sacrificial requirement ONCE for ALL people in His death on the cross (Hebrews 10:12). There is no new sacrifice to bring to God to ask for mercy and offer it as a substitute. In place of sacrifice, we are to confess our sins…fully trusting that God is faithful to His declaration that Jesus’ death is a satisfactory and sufficient sacrifice on our behalf and that by our confession (a Greek word that means to “say the same thing as”) God will forgive our sins and fully cleanse us from our unrighteousness. (See 1 John 1:8-9). 

The faithful Christian lives according to this covenant declaration. We, as believers, are not perfect. We are being conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:28-30) but that is an ongoing work that God is doing, and we are cooperating in. It will not be completed until we step into the presence of Christ Himself one day. 

It is patently unfaithful to seek God’s favor or mercy by any sacrificial act today. We cannot tip the scales in our favor. We cannot stir up God’s benevolence by good works. We cannot prompt Him to suddenly reconsider our judgment because we did something nice. 

So how does a faithful believer live? By glorifying God in the freedoms granted to you in the New Covenant and seeking to magnify that glory as you mirror the heart of Christ in extending His hope in the gospel. We are to undertake the gospel enterprise–proclaiming God’s satisfaction of debt in Jesus to every people, everywhere, until Jesus takes us home. This life of grace living is our exclusive hope. We must not cheat on grace by placing any hope in our good deeds…either in our heads or our hands. To the faithful believer, the Law is dead, and Grace is our new bride. 

What we do not deserve…and what we do

Have you ever watched a child open a stack of gifts? Seeing their eyes dance and minds race over the latest new thing in their hands? Grace upon grace…and as such…all of it undeserved. At times though, even amid such undeserved blessing, there can be a shift of attention to something that did not occur. “Thanks for the sweater Grandma…I like blue, but I really wanted green.” Some will raise an eyebrow at the apparent ingratitude of the child. And that’s true, of course. But if we dig at the source of the attitude, we find an all-too-common problem…the problem of comparison. 

This is true, even if more subtle, at all stages of life. “Thank God I heard the gospel, but I wish I had heard it sooner.” Or, “God has blessed me but Johnny is truly getting a double portion!” We can get trapped in comparing what we have by grace with what someone else has by the same grace. 

Jesus taught on this in one of my favorite parables in Matthew 20. Day workers received their wages at the end of the day, and everyone got precisely what was promised. There was jealousy however because some worked longer for the same wages. The story’s point was not a need for wage equity but that the employer had absolute freedom to hire who he wanted and to pay what he wished. The employees were not entitled to a job in the first place; how can they now claim injustice because the employer showed different grace toward others? 

What we deserve based on our rebellion against God is to be cast eternally from His presence, banished from His Kingdom, and the wrath of judgment against us for one single act of rebellion against Him. (Romans 6:23). What we receive as believers…is forgiveness. We are drawn near, welcomed into the Kingdom, and our due judgment was taken on by the King Himself. 

10For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation. 

Romans 5:10-11, NASB95

We deserved banishment and received a welcome. We deserved death and received life. We deserved an ending but inherited a new beginning. Real joy emanates from right perspective. Let’s turn our eyes heavenward and see the high cost of our salvation (What we do not deserve) and the wrath (what we do deserve) that the Son of God endured in our place. Then, we will have the right perspective, and only then can we truly exult in the God who saves. 

Justification is merely the Introduction

In 1991, I received my first of many leadership assignments: I was to lead a team as a Military Police Investigator. I was pending promotion to a junior non-commissioned officer and now had responsibility for a half dozen or so investigators. I had arrived! Or had I just begun? 

That question is the subject of Paul’s discourse over the coming verses. 

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. 

Romans 5:1-2 (NASB95)

The reality of the Christian life is this: The day of our Salvation is the starter’s pistol, not the finish line. Notice in these first two verses:

Having been justified… This is a passive action from our perspective. We do not justify ourselves. We experience justification. This is because we are not the Judge. We were under judgment. It is the Judge who declares justification. Justification carries with it more weightiness than simple forgiveness. It is forgiveness, but it is more. Justification communicates a right standing before God. It is not a commuted sentence. It is not mere clemency. It is a pronouncement of righteousness in the present without qualification of the past actions. Forgiveness focuses on a response to our bad actions. Justification speaks of our present. We ARE saints. Why? Because God declared it. 

Now He did so, based on Christ’s substitutionary atonement, His propitiatory sacrifice on our behalf. God forgave our sin and our sin is to God, as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). But the emphasis of justification does not merely look back on what God did. It focuses on our present status which is reality. “Having been justified…” 

We have peace. That is a present-tense idea. We are not looking back on when we once had peace. We are not focused on when we all get to Heaven and rejoice over the peace we will have. We RIGHT NOW have peace with God. 

All of this through Christ, and, as such, through Him, we also have our introduction by faith into this new grace (a new and unearned reality). A new beginning. A new status. A new reality of peace with God. 

All of this matters. But our hope and the glory that is spoken of as the outworking of our introduction by grace is only realized when we KNOW it and ACT consistently. 

Choose not to live as a prisoner of the past. If Christ has set you free, then you are free indeed (Galatians 5:1). You do not have an asterisk by your name. You are not a saint on probation or with a checkered past. You are a saint. You have peace with God. You are justified. 

Of course, this is not everyone and it is not automatic. You must believe it. That is, you must know it, accept it as true by faith, and live it out as if it were true. If I can help you with this, or help you understand it better, please contact me through the link on my homepage at chrisaikenonline.com. 

He did not waver…

Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

20yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,  21and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. 22Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness. 

Romans 4:20-22, NASB95

Isn’t It interesting…the details of God’s record books? In Romans 4, from which the passage above is selected, we find the story of Abraham…a man who “did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith. “ Can you imagine that press conference today? 

Reporter: Excuse me, but are you claiming that Abraham did not waver? And, if so, how would you address his alleged conduct in Egypt in not only lying about his wife Sarai but in compelling her to do so as well? Furthermore, how would you address his alleged actions in Gerar when he, according to testimony, stated…and I quote: “She is my sister.” (Genesis 20:2). It is further alleged that he profited from this testimony which resulted in the imprisonment for one long night in king Abimelech’s home. How can you explain such a broad statement that he “did not waver in unbelief?” 

God’s Press Secretary: Thank you for your question. First of all, these are not only allegations. They did, in fact, occur just as reported. No context is missing. Abraham, also known previously as Abram acted in fear and self-interest, bearing false witness against his wife Sarah, formerly known as Sarai. As a result, he profited. These failures are absolutely accurate. They are unequivocally sinful and deserving of banishment from the presence of God. The sins are true. The rules and laws are just and God has not amended them or exempted Abraham from participation. Rather, God substituted His only Son at the sentencing of Abraham, and He, Jesus, died in Abraham’s place. Furthermore, the payment for the sins of Abraham was so sufficient that his sins no longer merit mentioning. They were fully adjudicated by the maximum penalty. 

Photo by Nellie Adamyan on Unsplash

That’s true for Abraham and it is true for you and me. No matter what you have done and to whom you have done it, there is no more significantly aggrieved party than God Himself. His response was not to ignore the sin or suspend the sentence. Instead, He settled the account and called you and me to walk in the new freedom of total forgiveness and restoration. Period. Full Stop. Next Paragraph. 

God credited Abraham with righteousness based on a sacrifice that would be physically carried out thousands of years later…but Abraham believed God and THAT was credited to Him as Righteousness. 

This is a fresh start. Choose. You can try to justify yourself, seek to have the standard overturned, or turn yourself over to the mercy of the Court of Heaven. There you will find freedom. 

If you have never experienced this forgiveness which I have written about and which God promised and of which Abram accepted, I would love to discuss it further with you. Your fresh start is a conversation away and made possible by the gracious gift of God Himself. You can contact me at the link on my homepage at chrisaikenonline.com. 

2024: A year from Faith unto Faith

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Hebrews 11:1 (NASB95) 

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (NASB95)

As we look forward to the potential and opportunities that await us in 2024, we may ask: What is the basis of my hope? Do I have hopes for a great year based on the benevolence of mankind? Is my strong tower grounded in my self-determination? Shall I stake my claim on the outcome of political enterprises or promises made by my neighbor? 

Of course, we can base our hope on any of these things. It is quite common to do so in many facets of our culture. However, are these foundational elements of faith worthy of our lives? 

Some outsiders may look at our spiritual moorings as some iteration of blind faith. They may assert that God calls us to simply trust Him. While it is true that we are called to trust God, He has always made the case before us that He is trustworthy. Before calling Adam and Eve to walk before Him…God created them, their habitat, provided for their every need, and articulated their purpose. 

John the baptizer’s statement to Jesus’ first disciples (to be) is based on a past promise: 

35Again the next day John was standing with two of his disciples, 

36and he looked at Jesus as He walked, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” 

37The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. 

John 1:35–37 (NASB95) 

Notice that the weightiness of the claim that Jesus is “the Lamb of God” rests on a foundational knowledge that resonated with the two disciples. All Hebrew history looked forward to a promised Messiah. All the Hebrew experience carried with it evidence of God’s provision. Now, by faith, these two disciples walk forward and follow Jesus. If you remove the prophesies or eliminate the experiences of this people group over thousands of years…Jesus is potentially just another religious teacher. But with the promises and with the experiences, He becomes the object of their faith. 

As you consider your steps, your goals, your ambitions, your pursuits in the coming year…are they undertaken by faith? Sure, you can undertake anything you wish; but, if you move forward with faith, you are destined to achieve. Has God directed your steps? Has He proven Himself trustworthy in your life thus far? If so, then walk in the ASSURANCE of that which you hope for, even though you do not yet see the evidence of its fulfillment. That’s faith! That’s powerful! That’s the only way to please God today and in the days ahead. (See Hebrews 11:6). 

Make it a great day!