Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

20yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,  21and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform. 22Therefore it was also credited to him as righteousness. 

Romans 4:20-22, NASB95

Isn’t It interesting…the details of God’s record books? In Romans 4, from which the passage above is selected, we find the story of Abraham…a man who “did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith. “ Can you imagine that press conference today? 

Reporter: Excuse me, but are you claiming that Abraham did not waver? And, if so, how would you address his alleged conduct in Egypt in not only lying about his wife Sarai but in compelling her to do so as well? Furthermore, how would you address his alleged actions in Gerar when he, according to testimony, stated…and I quote: “She is my sister.” (Genesis 20:2). It is further alleged that he profited from this testimony which resulted in the imprisonment for one long night in king Abimelech’s home. How can you explain such a broad statement that he “did not waver in unbelief?” 

God’s Press Secretary: Thank you for your question. First of all, these are not only allegations. They did, in fact, occur just as reported. No context is missing. Abraham, also known previously as Abram acted in fear and self-interest, bearing false witness against his wife Sarah, formerly known as Sarai. As a result, he profited. These failures are absolutely accurate. They are unequivocally sinful and deserving of banishment from the presence of God. The sins are true. The rules and laws are just and God has not amended them or exempted Abraham from participation. Rather, God substituted His only Son at the sentencing of Abraham, and He, Jesus, died in Abraham’s place. Furthermore, the payment for the sins of Abraham was so sufficient that his sins no longer merit mentioning. They were fully adjudicated by the maximum penalty. 

Photo by Nellie Adamyan on Unsplash

That’s true for Abraham and it is true for you and me. No matter what you have done and to whom you have done it, there is no more significantly aggrieved party than God Himself. His response was not to ignore the sin or suspend the sentence. Instead, He settled the account and called you and me to walk in the new freedom of total forgiveness and restoration. Period. Full Stop. Next Paragraph. 

God credited Abraham with righteousness based on a sacrifice that would be physically carried out thousands of years later…but Abraham believed God and THAT was credited to Him as Righteousness. 

This is a fresh start. Choose. You can try to justify yourself, seek to have the standard overturned, or turn yourself over to the mercy of the Court of Heaven. There you will find freedom. 

If you have never experienced this forgiveness which I have written about and which God promised and of which Abram accepted, I would love to discuss it further with you. Your fresh start is a conversation away and made possible by the gracious gift of God Himself. You can contact me at the link on my homepage at