A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu
2020 is a year of promise. It is a year of opportunity. It is a year of great potential. These affirmations are not simply some new form of “positive thinking.” They are truth. Every decision we make has great potential…for good or evil. Every adopted pathway will lead us closer or further away from the desires we have in our hearts.
The beginning of a new year is an
exciting time. In some sense, we leave behind the previous year and step off
into the prospect of something better.
One thing that can become an obstacle to our opportunities though…is the task of the first step. There is a popular leadership axiom that relates to the “paralysis of analysis.” Some leaders cannot lead because they are fixated on examining every possible outcome before committing. They want to see every option and have every fact “nailed down” before beginning. Truthfully, most never lead because these desires for security are elusive. None of us have all of the information. None of us knows the future perfectly. We can predict. We may even predict well…but only God truly knows.
Other leaders seem to have a Midas touch. They always find opportunities. The experience more than their “fair share” of success. Often, the difference is not related to strategy or ability but initiative. THEY TOOK THE FIRST STEP.
This year, do not allow indecision to deter you. Choose a path and take it. If it is a mistake, turn around and choose a different path. Make a decision. Fulfill YOUR destiny…the thousand-mile journey (if you will) …by acting to take the first step.
Today, I acted toward one of my goals for 2020 which is to read the Bible in its entirety. I have done this many times before. In fact, it is an annual devotional discipline that I incorporated several years ago. However, neither my past achievement nor my future intentions will achieve the goal. So, today I affirmed the decision and read the first four chapters in Genesis. The greatest journey…begins with a single step.
In recent days I returned from a mission trip in South Asia, working with national partners in one of the least-reach areas of the world with the gospel. You can look at my first article HERE or second HERE. This is the third in the series.
Sunday service prior to preaching to these precious saints
How often do you reflect on and rehearse the Gospel? In the context we served in, there was an effective, simple, and reproducible system for sharing the Gospel. After getting to know the person/family briefly, I received permission to pray for them, and then further permission to share a story of hope from the Word of God. This story would lead to receiving permission to briefly share my personal conversion testimony and a key question (in my case), “Have you ever heard the Gospel?”
This is where it gets interesting to me. No one knew the
gospel. They had not heard. Ever. From anyone. Ever. Did I say ever?
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who
believe (Romans 1:16). Whoever will call on the Name of the Lord shall be
saved. (Romans 10:13). But, how can they call on Him though if they have not
believed, or heard of, or if no one has told them (Romans 10:14-15 paraphrased)?
So this powerful gospel which is able to save and entrusted to us by Him who desires for all men to be saved…has never been heard…but if someone shared it, and it was heard, resulting in belief, it would change all eternity for the hearer! WOW! But that is not all that changes.
One of our team sharing with a group of people gathered to hear the Gospel
As I rehearsed the Gospel over and over again…it brought renewed
joy to my heart. We are not talking about deep theological constructs here.
I was not waxing eloquent on some apologetic approach to the resurrection in
some way that my seminary professors would be captured in awe. I was rehearsing
a short story from pictures imprinted on a sharing bracelet. Creation. Sin.
Consequence. God’s Redemptive Work. The Cross. The Empty Tomb. The invitation
to respond in repentance and belief. Eternal Hope.
As I shared, people were interested…but I was interested in how “interested” they were to hear of God’s creative, redemptive, and restorative work! As I watched God warm hearts and draw people with the gospel, I became more in love with it too!
Here’s what else: I watched all of our national partners
doing the same thing. We all shared the same message in the same basic way. In
fact, one of our sent-out families had a young daughter who rehearsed the gospel
from the bracelet for me many times during the day. This warmed my heart and
caused me to love the gospel more!
I suppose a bottled up, stuck on a shelf, seldom rehearsed story is no less powerful in its nature…but it cannot be appreciated as much until it is shared and shared and shared. [Read that again slowly and process it].
A good day of sharing for our team
Yes, I know we live in America. I know we (most of us who
would be reading this article anyway) have heard the “old, old story” many
times…but I would suggest that we would come to appreciate it more if we would
share it often, everywhere…with everyone who would give a hearing. I might even
go as far as to say—we would learn to love it more through sharing it and
watching what God does with it in the hearts of those who hear.
In my recent trip to South Asia, I was part of a team working in an unentered (by us) village. Like many of the areas where we have worked, poverty was about the only thing the people had plenty of. And hospitality. This village was marginally receptive to a visit from an American. We spent several hours from house to house sitting on the floor and discussing the gospel.
Receiving a gift of honor, hand-crafted by the people of that church as an expression of gratitude.
As I would share the stories of hope from the gospels, I would ask the questions: Have you heard this story before? Have you heard of this Jesus before? Most all stated they had never heard the story of hope, but some had heard of Jesus. At some point in the past, EV teams had entered the village from a different tribe of Christians. They had taught the people that a sign of repentance and trusting Jesus was that the women would be more plainly adorned, forsaking the wearing of jewelry (piercings and bangles). My interpreter spent the majority of the time trying to convince the villagers that we did not believe that to become a believer one would have to stop wearing jewelry. In most cases, the women refused to “believe” because they did not wish to stop wearing bangles (thin, jeweled bracelets usually worn several at a time).
Like you, I might think that is a “silly” obstacle to overcome to find peace and forgiveness. But then again, I am approaching the matter with Western eyes. I later spoke to our area partner (pastor) who explained the problem. The pastor advised that he often ran into this objection in his area and found the same results. He explained that a “widow” in these villages would not wear bangles. She would dress in a plain outfit and refuse the jeweled accessories as a sign of mourning.
A church we were privileged to share testimony with and I had the privilege to preach to on Sunday. Our national part there is doing an amazing work
So, imagine if you would…a woman in America coming to faith and being told to remove her wedding band, earrings, and any other pretty accessories. Besides the cultural stigma from her friends (you’re married but refuse to wear a ring), and the cultural assumptions by her community (she is not wearing a ring so she must be unmarried), the disrespect shown to her husband would become a stumbling block to the gospel in his life and an affront to his honor as a husband. All because of poor cultural exegesis (a study of the cultural norms) and weakly supported theology (jewelry itself is somehow worldly and ungodly).
Our team praying with gathered locals who were hearing the gospel and seeking God’s mercy
The well-intentioned (charitably speaking) efforts of this false gospel propagating group had done incredible harm to the advance of the Kingdom in these villages. They had inadvertently (again charitably speaking) erected a stumbling block to those who would hear the life-changing offer of Christ.
I am reminded of James 3:1 which reminds those who teach the things of God that we will incur a stricter judgment for influencing people to believe false assertions about Christ. I am also reminded of our Western history of the same type of things. (i.e. Skirt lengths, music, dancing, playing cards, make-up, and tattoos, just to name a few).
A goodbye photo with dear friends whose love and leadership inspires me
As I reflect on this, I am convinced that we MUST be more diligent to ensure that if we speak on behalf of our gracious Father and misrepresent the timeless and perfect message He has entrusted to us, we make ourselves accountable for the eternal damnation of untold scores of people. Their blood is, in part, on our hands.
As a messenger entrusted with a message, make sure you get
it right. We will all stand one day before Him to give an account.
I would love to hear your thoughts…particularly if you think I am embellishing or overstating my case. The conversation matters, because the gospel matters.
What a cool (figuratively speaking of course) day with our church family at Englewood Baptist Church yesterday. With Summer coming to a close, we celebrated together with our Second Annual Tailgate Party on September 8, 2019. It was, as you might expect, “Eastern NC” HOTTTT!
One of the highlights of this special gathering is the opportunity to celebrate baptisms outside on the field together. Twenty-one people went “public” with their faith yesterday! I don’t say that to make much of Englewood or to create a comparison trap based on numbers; rather, each “number” had a story. We had young and old, white, black and brown, confident and timid…people from varying backgrounds…all step into the baptismal waters with a singular intent: To Make Much of Jesus!
I love baptisms for two primary reasons.:
First, it is a beautiful picture of the Kingdom and the heart of our King Jesus. No matter one’s background, age, politics, race, or any other cultural identity…all are welcome and all are ONE in the Kingdom.
Second, I love the stories of adversity. We had a man whom I had the privilege to lead to Christ days before brain surgery several months back…who came with his wife to be baptized yesterday. We had another man who only weeks ago had major neck surgery step forward to go public. Another church member who is a passionate evangelist and is extremely active in missions confessed that she had her baptism out of order and God convicted her. With tears, she went into the waters and came up from the waters beaming…knowing that she was now fully obedient! Another child with a terrible fear of water due to a trauma clung to my neck as she was baptized. This day was so important to her she was willing to face a terrible fear for no other reason than to make Jesus famous!
Reflecting on the privileges of the day, I was reminded that not everyone treats this precious ordinance with such significance. Just know though…Jesus did and does. When we obey Him, trust Him, follow Him and honor Him, the Gospel itself shouts from the waters of the baptismal pool… “Jesus Christ is Lord of all!”
I wonder how many others would say that they are absolutely certain that they have honored him in the same way as these precious twenty-one people did yesterday? If you cannot but want to, I would love the privilege to help you GO PUBLIC with your allegiance to the King of kings!
Thirteen months and we are rounding the corner on the last phase of our build-out. Our home has a number of amazing features and we are truly blessed; however, like most people, we wanted a few changes when we purchased. One of those changes was the addition of a detached garage. When the builder came by to put the sign in the yard and start the ground prep…I will admit…I got a little excited. In fact, I walk out (several times per day) to look at the trenched areas in the yard which serve as the foundation for the garage to come. This leads me to an important, observable truth about life.
Perhaps the most important part of any build is the foundation. It is rarely seen and is often overlooked once the structure is built; however, it is the most important step of the construction if one hopes for the building to last beyond a few years.
The same is true in many areas of our lives. Foundations matter.
As parents, we “build-out” our children with knowledge, experiences, and activities; however, if their foundation is weak…any real storm can cause their lives to crumble.
We pursue a career goal, climbing the ladder as
quickly as possible, but if we neglect foundational elements, we are but one
management change or crisis from it crumbling.
We pursue spiritual goals and embrace an understanding
of God’s purpose for our lives…but if we fail to lay a proper foundation, we
risk disillusionment, defeat, or even defection when difficulties arise.
One doesn’t put in a strong foundation for show. No one will ever see it once the block and brick go in. Foundations serve the purpose of providing stability and support for everything that will be built to rest upon it. A proper foundation requires digging down to the solid ground, removing debris, and installing reinforcements at times to ensure that once the weight of the structure is applied, the foundation will hold. Furthermore, everything built on top of the foundation is anchored to elements directly below it. This ties all of the parts together and ensures that the structure will withstand the winds of change.
What’s often the case in our lives is that more attention is given to what is seen above the surface than what all of that rests upon. We help our children become good students and disciplined athletes, but we compromise on instilling an appreciation of value and purpose as defined by our Creator and King. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? (Mark 8:36). We serve in a dozen different ministry tasks through our church but lack the discipline of a consistent time of Scripture reading, meditation, contemplation, and prayer. (See Luke 10:40-42).
What is also true is God’s unchanging grace. If you build a building on a faulty foundation, there is often little recourse other than to tear it down and start over…or live with the imperfect construction. In our spiritual lives, however, God is quick to redeem and restore our failed build-outs. He doesn’t tire of His children’s cries to forgive and start again. So…if you know there are issues with your foundation, may I encourage you to acknowledge that before God, seek His forgiveness and begin again? It is a decision you will never regret.
It happens so often. I speak to someone and ask the question, “How’s it going?” or “How are you doing?” Often times, the response relates to some struggle, pain, discomfort, or trial the person is experiencing. Almost always the struggle and the pain is genuine. What is often also clear…is that the pain is winning.
Struggles in life are always certain. Jesus promised these
pressures (Greek word- thylipsis) would be part and parcel of our daily
lives (John 16:33). The Scriptures bear numerous accounts of these struggles in
the lives of God’s people. Somehow though, many of God’s people seem surprised
by these struggles and many of these seem to be defeated by them.
What is the answer? Does God intend for our lives to be
miserable, painful existences here for 70, 80, or 90 years until we finally get
to heaven? Are the troubles too big for God? If God really loves us… then why
does He permit our suffering?
Here are two truths:
Struggles are a non-negotiable part of life.
[Full Stop]
Jesus came that we would [present tense] have
life and have it to the full! (John 10:10b) [Full Stop]
Somehow, these two
truths must be reconcilable (no matter how difficult to do so).
The Apostle Paul indicates that these truths are reconciled in our attitude and approach…our focus:
5For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus
as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake. 6For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of
darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
7But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the
surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; 8we are afflicted
in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not
destroyed; 10always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that
the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 11For we who live are constantly being delivered over to death for
Jesus’ sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal
flesh. 12So death works in us, but life in you.
13But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is
written, “I BELIEVED, THEREFORE I SPOKE,” we also believe,
therefore we also speak, 14knowing that He who raised the
Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will present us with you. 15For all things are for your sakes, so that the
grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks
to abound to the glory of God.
16Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is
decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. 17For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal
weight of glory far beyond all comparison, 18while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the
things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Cor 4:5-18, NASB)
suffering (a suffering for the gospel by the way…and not the consequence of
unwise or sinful choices on his part) was extreme…yet He considered it “momentary
and light affliction” that produces a “weighty glory beyond comparison” (v.17).
focus was on the future days in His eternal reality. He looked to heaven and to
eternity. In comparison with these realities and in light of the expansive
Kingdom of God…His sufferings seemed light and temporary.
Paul’s motivation was eternity but His purpose (as He seems to understand it) is
to produce life in others (v.12). Follow the flow of thought if you will: The
glory of God (light) shines out of darkness (Paul’s sufferings) and produces
life in others even as it produces death in him. And that is ok…even desired by
reflections on this today are multi-faceted:
First…I focus more on my own
sufferings that I should. This is a product of my fallen nature and an area of
my life that must be mastered. How about you?
Second…my focus must be on
eternity. “No one gets out alive,” and no one stays here forever. This world
and the sufferings of it are a temporary state.
Third…my suffering, if approached
with the right focus may result in death in me but also life in others. I am
convinced that the “cotton candy and unicorns” image of life as a Christian
that many try to sell is damaging to the witness of His people, since it is
disconnected from reality. The world we are purposefully desiring to win for
Christ cannot relate to this “pie in the sky” fantasy that if you believe
enough and sow enough faith seed then you’ll have only good things in your
life! Why should they believe it? After all, our King was crucified! Yes…but He
was raised from the dead you may say…which is true…but the resurrection
followed the crucifixion.
Choose today to focus on reality…on the existence that transcends…then
purposefully yield to whatever it takes for light to shine in darkness through
you today.
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