A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu

2020 is a year of promise. It is a year of opportunity. It is a year of great potential. These affirmations are not simply some new form of “positive thinking.” They are truth. Every decision we make has great potential…for good or evil. Every adopted pathway will lead us closer or further away from the desires we have in our hearts.

The beginning of a new year is an exciting time. In some sense, we leave behind the previous year and step off into the prospect of something better.

One thing that can become an obstacle to our opportunities though…is the task of the first step. There is a popular leadership axiom that relates to the “paralysis of analysis.” Some leaders cannot lead because they are fixated on examining every possible outcome before committing. They want to see every option and have every fact “nailed down” before beginning. Truthfully, most never lead because these desires for security are elusive. None of us have all of the information. None of us knows the future perfectly. We can predict. We may even predict well…but only God truly knows.

Other leaders seem to have a Midas touch. They always find opportunities. The experience more than their “fair share” of success. Often, the difference is not related to strategy or ability but initiative. THEY TOOK THE FIRST STEP.

This year, do not allow indecision to deter you. Choose a path and take it. If it is a mistake, turn around and choose a different path. Make a decision. Fulfill YOUR destiny…the thousand-mile journey (if you will) …by acting to take the first step.

Today, I acted toward one of my goals for 2020 which is to read the Bible in its entirety. I have done this many times before. In fact, it is an annual devotional discipline that I incorporated several years ago. However, neither my past achievement nor my future intentions will achieve the goal. So, today I affirmed the decision and read the first four chapters in Genesis. The greatest journey…begins with a single step.

Embrace and enjoy 2020. Take the step.