John happened upon a little shop downtown. As he approached, there was a man who was pushing the door with all his might. The sign in the window said “Open,” but the door clearly would not open, no matter how hard the man pushed. With grunts and groans, the man heaved again and again at times throwing all of his weight against the door. Finally, out of breath and visibly frustrated, the man stormed off. John, a bit perplexed at first, pulled the door open and went in. 

The “Abundant life” that Christ committed to us (see John 10:10) is much like this door. If you approach it correctly, negotiate it correctly, and walk through it as it is designed, you will experience the benefits of the covenant. If, however, you try to force something apart from God’s good design, or substitute your thinking for God’s wisdom, you will end up on a different path, with a different outcome altogether. 

10All the paths of the Lord are lovingkindness and truth 

To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies. 

Psalm 25:10 (NASB95) 

Notice the categorical statement by the Psalmist, David. 

“All the paths of the Lord.”

The Psalmist makes clear that there is no relative moralism with God. He is unchanging. You will never find anyone who did precisely what God desired and received something other than what God promised. Every, single, solitary path of the Lord is consistent with His He-Sed (His loyal, covenant love) and is truth. God never uses a bait and switch on you and me. He is transparent and trustworthy. If He said it, it will happen. 

The benefit of His covenant with us is enjoyed by everyone who keeps the covenant and His instructions/testimonies. The word translated “truth” is the Hebrew word e-dut and it means laws, instructions, ordinances, or legal provisions. The terms together speak of the totality of what God has made clear through His covenant law and actions. To those to keep God’s covenant and instructions, all of God’s paths result in the fulfillment of the covenant promise. 

If you’re like me, then you notice about yourself that while you nod “yes” to that statement, you are also thinking about what you can do on the fringes (or across the line) that may still yield the results. This is the sin nature that we inherited from Grandpa Adam and Grandma Eve. The faith position is to accept God’s instructions as categorically best and true, choosing to respond in obedience because we know (by faith) that our obedience results in the blessing of the covenant. Faith is KNOWING that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the terms of the Covenant and advocates on our behalf (1 John 2:1-2). Faithfulness is working from (not for) that accepted position as we grow in Christlikeness, aligning our lives to the covenant and instructions of God as an act of worshipful obedience/submission. 

Someone once said that following God was complicated. I disagree. It is actually quite simple. What did God say? Do that! When in doubt, always do what God said, knowing that all the paths of God are lovingkindness and truth to those who adhere to them.