Late one evening, I found myself cruising across I-10 from Tallahassee to Pensacola. This is the longest stretch of uninhabited road on the planet. Ok, maybe not the whole planet…but it is long and desolate. Suddenly, the low hum of the tires was exchanged for a loud roar…my truck had drifted past the painted line on the right side and onto the warning strip! I did not plan for this…I simply failed to guard against it.

When you find you’ve drifted out of the lane, you’re left with a choice…continue your direction until you crash, or correct the drift and return to the designed path.

That’s true with driving, but it is also true with other areas of our lives, like exercise, diet, relationships, finances, etc. It is also true with our lives as disciples.

Jesus instructed His people in Matthew 28:19-20 to make disciples of all people groups, baptizing them (identification), teaching them (edification) to obey all things I have commanded (transformation). He said this command was based on His authority (Matthew 28:18) and empowered by His presence (Matthew 28:20).

While almost no one argues against this command (The Great Commission) being Christ’s command, and almost no one argues against this command being given to Christ’s people; however, most people find that they are not obeying this command personally. We have DRIFTED from the road! What do you do if you have drifted from the roadway Christ has designated?

  • First: Get honest. It is not enough to write a new narrative that changes the standard, or to bury one’s head in the sand…denying the drift. The Commission (command) is easy enough to evaluate: Am I MAKING DISCIPLES that IDENTIFY with Christ as Lord, and obey ALL of His teachings? Am I engaged in TEACHING them ALL that Christ has commanded? This is not a question about whether one is part of a church that does this, or if one paid someone else to get it done; rather, the question is personal…AM I making disciples?
  • Second: Get right. Friend when you’re drifting off the shoulder of the road, it is not time to pray about a right course of action…or to pray for discernment about what to do next. There are two choices: Stay the course and crash…or correct the drift and get back on the road. Isn’t it amazing how often we try to spiritualize disobedience? We can dress up our rebellion in a pretty dress and put lipstick on it…but, as someone said, putting lipstick on a pig doesn’t change what it is…it is still a pig.
  • Finally: Get going. It is important to slam on the brakes if you’re headed for the shoulder. It is important to turn the vehicle so you get back onto the roadway. These two things alone though, are not obedience. Obedience occurs when you travel the road you were designed to travel…when you get back on the right road, going in the right direction, and start clocking the miles.

I cannot speak for everyone…but I am personally humbled and grateful for the fact that the Lord did not abandon me in my rebellion and that He does not tire of my corrective steering. He knows my fleshly failings and He desires my honest obedience. He has never greeted me with, “So, repenting again huh? Third time today, Chris… isn’t this getting a little redundant?” No! Like a good and loving Father, He puts a warning track to let me know when I have drifted, lights up the path and instructs me to return there, and promises to be with me throughout the journey.

Friend, ask yourself, Am I MAKING DISCIPLES? Am I TEACHING THEM to obey all that Christ has commanded? If not, and you call on Him as Lord…correct the drift.