Guilty. I have thought this way before, but as I am moving firmly into the second half of my life (though you might say…’more like the 4th quarter’) I realize that we don’t have plenty of time. Time, for us, is finite…at least on this earth. Then, infinity based on our actions during this brief span of existence.

In my reading of Proverbs this morning, I was given a glimpse BACK to the mind and thoughts of “naïve” Chris…who felt invincible, lived recklessly, and persisted only by God’s mercy.

Proverbs 1:22- “How long, O naïve ones, will you love being simple-minded? And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing and fools hate knowledge?”

The writer classifies those who are ignorant in the simplicity of their thinking, those who are contrarians to the claims of truth, and those who deny the truth as essentially one…at least in the outcome. He goes on to state in the remaining verses in the remaining verses that these did not see the actions of Wisdom (the personification of God) or they resisted Wisdom or flatly rejected Wisdom. As such…time ran out and they were left with the consequences of choices (1:26, 28, 30). The result or consequence of their position? They could no longer respond!

The clock ran out. More accurately…when they were sleeping, the thief broke in and stole away with what was certainly their possession (opportunity) and it was permanently and irreversibly taken away.

At some stage in our lives, we (who have heard the gospel seemingly forever) think…I can do that (repentance, baptism, study to grow, seeking forgiveness, discipling others, sharing Christ) tomorrow; however, God calls us to do that now! There may be no tomorrow…but worse, we forsake the gift of today when we delay our obedience.

No one has forever to respond. One cannot sit in a worship gathering week after week rehearsing in their mind… “one day when I have had all of my fun…THEN, I will respond to God’s call.” We do not know when the clock runs out but we most certainly do not have “Plenty of Time.”

The consequence of delay/dispute/or denial is being left to the product of our own works (1:27-29, 30, 31, 32).


(That is how v.33 begins and I am grateful that it does…)

“he who listens to me” describing the one who seeks wisdom, submits to counsel, and acknowledges God…”shall live securely and will be at ease from the dread of evil.”

In other words, the one who stops trying “market timing” with the ways of God shall have peace. He will be prosperous in the things of God. He will experience joy. He will walk in the comfort and security of the Holy Spirit. He will be unphased by the threat of calamity because he knows the One who reigns sovereignly over all things.

Finally, I am reminded that for years I have preached to others two things that I must be constantly reminded of myself:

  • That Christ came to give us abundant life now…not just a heavenly inheritance of abundance. (John 10:10).
  • If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). That’s the “but” of the story…

Question to consider: Are you watching the clock and waiting on some time or place in the future to be obedient? Is the risk worth it? No one has “plenty of time” to choose our own destiny; rather, we have today…and a good, good God who beckons… “come home…come to Me…come let us reason together…come away…”

He beckons…but not forever. Today…choose to yield and begin or begin again.
