How do you know the “right decision” to make in life?

  • Some would say, “Just follow your heart…”
  • Trust the “inner voice.”
  • Listen to your heart.
  • The heart wants what the heart wants.

All of these sayings could find themselves on the cover of a Hallmark card or in the affirming comments of a Facebook thread…but does that make them accurate?

Can we really trust our “heart?”

Scripture reminds us that, “He who trusts his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered.” Proverbs 28:26.

This proverb really captures the essence of the tension we face daily in the discernment and decision-making phases of our lives.

First…there is the affirmation of CHOICE that is given to each one. “He who trusts…he who walks…” Here there are two truths: What a man does (his walk) testifies to what a man thinks in his heart (his trust). It is foolish and inconsistent to look at a man’s evil activities and then comment, “but he has a good heart.” That is patently untrue, unbiblical, and unhelpful.

Jesus said, “Out of a man’s mouth comes the meditations of the heart” (Matthew 15:18-19). Anger spews from an angry heart. Attacks, slanders, lies…they all overflow from the percolation of the evil within a man’s heart. Kindness, humility, and meekness rise up from a heart rooted in and committed to Christ.

It is critical to accept this truth because without it we are left with self-help practices of learning to “count to 10” before we speak or some other form of behavior modification. Until we identify the source of the problem we will only treat the symptoms. The prophet Jeremiah helps us to identify the source when he states, “The heart of man is desperately wicked…who can even know his own heart?”(Jeremiah 17:9).

Second, there is the identification of the source of our authority in life. Do we trust in our feelings, logic, leanings, or polling to determine what is right? Aren’t the outcomes of such ideas the billboards of foolishness…the enacting of laws that allow the taking of a living child before birth, but the preservation of a murderers’ life while on death row? In the case of abortion, are we (as a society) not elevating one life over another (the mother over the child) and in the case of death row…the inmate’s life over the offense to the image of God and the necessity for justice?

We choose which authority to rely on: our hearts…or Holy Scripture. Because of our wicked hearts, it is difficult to submit to Scripture, but only God’s Word (the objective standard for truth) can deliver us from the consequences of evil.

Third, there is the reality of consequences. No one draws salt water from a spring, or fresh water from an ocean. You cannot follow the heart and expect protection from the consequences of unwise living. Following your heart leads to a fool’s reward…with one exception: a heart that is intentionally turned to and dependent on the Lord will find its delight (Psalm 37:4-5). To follow one’s heart apart from God’s Word is to live foolishly (as if there is no God but self). However, to bow before the Lord, to submit to the truth of His Word will always deliver.

I suspect we all “monkey around” with the truthful declarations of the Lord in hopes that we can find a way to pursue wickedness with a clear conscience. Such desire is foolish. Choose a wise walk. Follow Jesus, not your heart.