This past Sunday, I shared a message (found HERE) from God’s Word to the people I have the privilege to call “my church,” (not that they are mine as if I died for them, but that God has entrusted to me the privilege and responsibility to shepherd them and teach them the things of God, in season and out of season). The message related to the series we are studying that examines what qualities, characteristics, and disciplines the Lord seems to use most often to accomplish great things for His glory and His Kingdom work. This week we looked at kingdom prayer from Luke 11:1-13.

In Luke’s account of what many call “The Lord’s Prayer” but should more accurately be called the “Model Prayer,” we find several key elements of prayer that reaches heaven. I shared five of those elements in the message:

  • A FOCUS on God’s GLORY.
  • A DESIRE for God’s KINGDOM.

What I think is telling is that Jesus doesn’t stop with a form or format for prayer, but continues to express that kingdom empowered, world-changing, life-transforming prayer is also PERSISTENT as it continues until the burden is lied (like the man knocking at the door at midnight). Further, it is CONFIDENT in the fact that God answers the prayers of His people and always answers in a GOOD manner. Those examples, that Jesus gives inform us and instruct us. They also may convict us.

As I reviewed the message myself again today, I was impressed with these two questions:

How’s my prayer life?

How’s the prayer life of God’s people at Calvary…my people?

So, perhaps you’d ask yourself:

“Does my daily prayer life exhibit these things?”

If so, Praise the Lord and press on. If not, today is a great day to begin or begin again.

Make a difference for the King today!

If you’d like to view the message on prayer, CLICK HERE to be taken to my video channel.