Open Bible 1“Don’t miss the forest for the trees, they said.” A great reminder that we, at times, can reduce our focus so far that we actually lose perspective and, often times, the “wonder” of the bigger picture. As a guy who reads the Bible…a lot…and critically… it is important for me to step back and look at it in “bigger chunks” in order to not forget the overarching idea. By my life’s calling, I analyze Scripture to the most minute of details. This is what some refer to as “mining the text.” It is essential for a teacher, but it is not exclusive.

This morning, I came to Psalm 119 in my daily “quiet time,” and rather than take it in parts, I settled in for the entire thing. (Now reading one psalm doesn’t seem that impressive…until you look at it. If you have to turn the pages more than once, you have a long text).

As I read, I was reminded of the reverence that the Psalmist displayed toward the Word of God. He saw it as ALIVE. He saw it as HOLY. He saw it as an EDICT from a REIGNING KING! The Bible, for the psalmist, is not an op-ed piece or a commentary on life from a fallible man. The Bible is TREASURED instruction and REVEALED TRUTH from the very mouth of God. It is an expression of God’s love. It is able to save (v.41). It guards against sin’s destructive lure and consequence (v.9-11). It revives and restores (v.25) and therefore it comforts (v.49-51).

Perhaps all of these responses to the Word are predicated on this truth, found in vv.89-90:

Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness continues throughout all generations; you established the earth, and it stands.

Honestly…that is a bold statement. God’s spoken edict stands forever. He is never reversed on appeal. His judgments are true. His truth is triumphant. He is predictable in so many ways because He is FAITHFUL, always, to His Word because He is faithful to Himself.

So, here is the point to consider today– If God is unchanging and He has revealed exactly who He is, how He thinks, what He desires/demands/deserves…and if He has revealed all of that freely to us…does it not make sense to know His revealed Word personally and deeply?

Final thought in verse 11:

“Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against you.”