My Family
I have an amazing family. We love to hang out with each other. I enjoy boring them with my endless tales of life chronicles (of which some are true) and they appease me by listening. It is a great relationship. Most people think we have it all “together” but most days…we are just a little crazy.

About My Bride
Jodi and I met when we were too young to drive. Our romance began as a friendship at the local roller-skating rink and has grown with us. She is a dynamic speaker and discipler of women. We married after high school, and she has worked with me in ministry since the beginning and is my most trusted counselor. She also is a gifted teacher and writer. You can enjoy some of her work at her blog HERE.

The Eldest
Our sons are great men and both serve the Lord. Our firstborn, Dillon, is an Army Officer since graduation from West Point (USMA 2015). His wife, Jennifer, is a Nurse Midwife (DNP, CNM, RN). They work together training up our two grandchildren. They are active in their church and profoundly wise.