39Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!”
John 4:39 (NLT)
Have you ever considered the value of a simple Gospel Conversation?
In John 4, Jesus encountered the woman at the well. Their exchange was unusual. It was cross-cultural. It was uncomfortable (at least for the woman). At times, it was adversarial. It was also essential. The disciples did not understand. The woman did not fully understand. Certainly, she was not totally oblivious; however, she could only see and understand the events from a very narrow perspective.
This momentary exchange with the woman led to a witness. The woman did not have to explain all of the theological nuances of Judaism. She did not have to give a defense of her Samaritan traditions. She simply and plainly bore witness to what Jesus did in her life in a personal encounter. From this simple exchange, Jesus drew many Samaritans to a saving relationship.
Who are the “Samaritans” in your pathway? How are you looking for bridges to the gospel? How do you pray for God to make opportunities clear to you and to give you courage to speak?
What if through a faithful witness, just like the Samaritan woman, many people you knew could encounter Jesus and believe?
“I believe that Sunday morning is for the gathering of
God’s people. Evangelism is what we want our people to do outside the walls.
Our time ‘inside’ is for our people to worship, be edified, and to be
encouraged.” While this statement is a “mash-up” in itself, a statement
like this can be heard around the table at times among preachers over coffee.
“I am preaching for the invitation every week. I am
looking for the lost guy, the distant guy, the displaced guy every week. Every
sermon. Every week! If I lead silent prayer, I am going to give an invitation
to respond.” Ok, maybe this statement appears a little embellished…but I
have heard its parts and the theme of it over and over through the years. I
have even said most of these!
So, which is it? Is the Sunday morning gathering for the
wayward or the worshipper? Is the goal to see the lost saved, or the saints
encouraged? I think the question itself obscures the correct answer because it
seeks an either/or response…rather than a both/and.
As such, let me briefly explain why I preach to unbelievers
every week. Let me first affirm that I believe that the church comes together
weekly, usually on Sunday, and does so for the purpose of worship, fellowship,
exhortation, encouragement and equipping. This is not in conflict with my
reasons below; rather, this sets the stage for them.
I preach to unbelievers on Sunday because they are there. In a church of any size, from four to forty-thousand, there is a good chance that someone listening has yet to truly yield to Jesus as Lord. Sometimes, this person is new. He or she was recently invited, dropped by, or happened among God’s people for some other reason. At other times, this unbeliever is religious and may even be a member. Perhaps he or she prayed a prayer at some point in the past but did not yield to Christ. He may have exclaimed “save me,” but like the “rich, young ruler,” he was unwilling to do what Christ required.
I preach to unbelievers on Sunday because sometimes God’s people act like it. My challenge to unbelievers is always that they would respond to the love of Christ displayed at Calvary’s cross and turn, by faith to Christ as Lord. That prescription is true and effective whether someone is on the “outside” of the family of faith…or is “eating swine snacks in the far country” of Christ’s kingdom. The answer for all rebels is to come to (or back to) Christ by faith.
I preach to unbelievers on Sunday because it trains other believers how to do it. Many small group leaders stand (or sit) and give a lesson to a group weekly. Where did they learn to do that? Sitting under a pastor in the worship gathering on Sunday! I have tried for years to teach these gifted leaders that a second sermon is not the call of the hour; rather, the small group environment is about conversation and application. Trying to change that behavior has always proven to be challenging because these precious teachers learned it honestly. I preach to unbelievers on Sunday so that God’s people will learn how to do so as well. I want them to present God’s truth faithfully, God’s love gracefully, God’s plan compassionately, and God’s call to respond winsomely.
Finally, I preach to unbelievers on Sunday because the gospel encourages the believer. When I talk about being far from God and God’s redemptive plan, I am reminded of my days choosing to live far from Him and how “He sought me, and bought me, with His redeeming blood.” When I find someone bored with the Gospel, I immediately know something is amiss. How do you get bored with your own birthday? When the gospel is proclaimed to the believer it elicits one hearty, worshipful response: AMEN!
Why this article? Well, I am immersed in the subject
presently…and it was on my heart. If you have thoughts, feel free to drop by,
chime in, and we can chat. As always, I’d appreciate your help in clicking
LIKE, sharing the article, or sharing a comment about it. This not only
encourages me; but, it also helps broaden the audience of those who may benefit
from it that don’t yet subscribe personally.
This is the fifth installment of my reflections on a recent trip to South Asia on mission. You can read the previous installments HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. If this is a blessing to you, let me invite you to drop by MY SITE and subscribe to email content to be delivered directly to your inbox whenever it drops. Also, I’d love for you to like and share comments on the posts if you are so inclined. In the ecosystem of social media, your approval helps to ensure that a broader audience can see this information. Yes, a simple click and comment can help spread the good news. Thanks in advance!
One of the debrief questions that a host team asks prior to departing a country is “what stories will you tell?” With so many wonderful experiences, it is always a challenge to zero in on just one or two; however, the question does prompt reflection and calls for a conclusion.
For me, there were several key moments. Watching my
interpreters and sharing team partners move with such boldness and grace would
be one. Time with dear friends sharing a meal would be critical as well. Praying
for sick, injured, anxious, and hurting people is always impactful. In fact,
one such story began this way.
At a home we were visiting, we asked if there was anything we could pray for…an illness or sickness where we might ask God’s mercy on their behalf. The reply was familiar: “No, we are fine. Everything is good.” After thanking God for his blessing, I shared the gospel and stories of hope from the Scriptures. As we were wrapping up, one woman in the home “came clean.” She shared that she had been married for four years but had not conceived. She wanted us to pray for her to have a child.
It was not my first time to pray for this type of request. I
had heard similar stories several times in the week. But this one was special.
The members of our team gathered around this woman to pray, including a
pastor’s wife who was also in the same childless. My heart was grieved. I
thought, “There can be nothing harder for a childless woman than to pray for
God to give another woman a child.” But pray she did. When we finished praying,
my suspicions were confirmed as I saw her wipe a tear from her own eyes.
The image did not leave me. Here is a woman who knew the grace of God personally being challenged to pray that God grant another woman the greatest desire of her own heart! I thought, “What a picture of the fruit of the gospel.” In many circles, there would be jealousy. Or resentment. Or bitterness. For this pastor’s wife, there was only brokenness, grace, and intercession—intercession for God to be merciful toward another woman.
The next day, this pastor and wife asked our team to pray for them, that God would also grant them a child. My commitment was that I would join them in praying daily for God’s mercy in granting them the desire of their heart.
Only a recipient of grace can truly pray for God’s grace toward another. I saw the fruit of the gospel reflected so clearly at this moment and was invited to bear a pastor’s family’s burden with them in the days ahead. What a privilege to partner with them in prayer and know that God hears and loves and always answers according to His own wise counsel. What a privilege to have a front-row seat as God moves.
If you wish to see God grant victories, you must first enter the contest. CMA
I don’t want this to come across in an offensive manner. Honestly that is not my intention; however, I suspect someone may bristle at this observation. Let me apologize in advance for the means but not the message. Westerners, and American Christians, in particular, are becoming increasingly “soft.” We have become so enamored with comfort, ease, compromise, peer-approval and the like, that any obstacle, challenge, resistance, or disapproval is considered “bad.” A false gospel has even taken root in the Christian marketplace promoting a “weird” understanding that if something isn’t easy and doesn’t result in abundantly blessed comfort, it lacks the fingerprints of God’s approval.
Such an idea is foreign to the Scripture; In fact, the
opposite is true. I, for one, was encouraged by the resistance we experienced in
South Asia since I found in it, evidence that we were “on the right track.”
It happened that we were “sharing” during an annual festival season across the country we were working in. During this festival, idols are erected in every village and daily “worship” takes place. All in all, this festival raised the spiritual resistance climate in several unentered places we were “sharing.” On one particular day, I noticed, as we entered an area to share, a man bearing the markings of a radical religious sect. He immediately zeroed in on our group. I was familiar with this sect as I had many dealings with them in another part of the country well-known for its religious persecution. My spidey-sense kicked in and I knew we were in for a treat. This village was the first where our teams were asked to leave and not share Jesus. The next village gave us a similar invitation to leave and still another on the next day.
Simply stated, the “enemy” hates us because he hates the One whom we serve and speak of. He hates God. This enemy walks about the earth as an intimidating adversary, looking for those he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Demonic forces are real and look for weaknesses in the witness to exploit.
I loved the response of our team: kindness but not
cowardice. Sure, we will leave, but not without praying that God would open
blind eyes, set captives free, and demonstrate His redemptive plan with power
and grace. Yes, we will leave, but not without exposing the village to the
aroma of Christ.
See, we know that whenever you get close to punching the
enemy in the face, he squeaks up! He recoils and then retaliates! It is the
nature of how things work. So, rather than cowering or becoming discouraged, we
should find encouragement and purpose in the resistance by the enemy. After
all, if the devil doesn’t push back against your efforts…you must ask yourself
“why?” Are you simply not a threat, or are you still on his team?
By the way, while one of three sharing teams was being kicked out, the other two were in the village and leading people to profess faith in Christ. Yep! We were on the right track!
When the enemy gets in your face and roars, smile with the
greatest of confidence… “Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the
world.” (1 John 4:4).
In recent days I returned from a mission trip in South Asia, working with national partners in one of the least-reach areas of the world with the gospel. You can look at my first article HERE or second HERE. This is the third in the series.
Sunday service prior to preaching to these precious saints
How often do you reflect on and rehearse the Gospel? In the context we served in, there was an effective, simple, and reproducible system for sharing the Gospel. After getting to know the person/family briefly, I received permission to pray for them, and then further permission to share a story of hope from the Word of God. This story would lead to receiving permission to briefly share my personal conversion testimony and a key question (in my case), “Have you ever heard the Gospel?”
This is where it gets interesting to me. No one knew the
gospel. They had not heard. Ever. From anyone. Ever. Did I say ever?
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who
believe (Romans 1:16). Whoever will call on the Name of the Lord shall be
saved. (Romans 10:13). But, how can they call on Him though if they have not
believed, or heard of, or if no one has told them (Romans 10:14-15 paraphrased)?
So this powerful gospel which is able to save and entrusted to us by Him who desires for all men to be saved…has never been heard…but if someone shared it, and it was heard, resulting in belief, it would change all eternity for the hearer! WOW! But that is not all that changes.
One of our team sharing with a group of people gathered to hear the Gospel
As I rehearsed the Gospel over and over again…it brought renewed
joy to my heart. We are not talking about deep theological constructs here.
I was not waxing eloquent on some apologetic approach to the resurrection in
some way that my seminary professors would be captured in awe. I was rehearsing
a short story from pictures imprinted on a sharing bracelet. Creation. Sin.
Consequence. God’s Redemptive Work. The Cross. The Empty Tomb. The invitation
to respond in repentance and belief. Eternal Hope.
As I shared, people were interested…but I was interested in how “interested” they were to hear of God’s creative, redemptive, and restorative work! As I watched God warm hearts and draw people with the gospel, I became more in love with it too!
Here’s what else: I watched all of our national partners
doing the same thing. We all shared the same message in the same basic way. In
fact, one of our sent-out families had a young daughter who rehearsed the gospel
from the bracelet for me many times during the day. This warmed my heart and
caused me to love the gospel more!
I suppose a bottled up, stuck on a shelf, seldom rehearsed story is no less powerful in its nature…but it cannot be appreciated as much until it is shared and shared and shared. [Read that again slowly and process it].
A good day of sharing for our team
Yes, I know we live in America. I know we (most of us who
would be reading this article anyway) have heard the “old, old story” many
times…but I would suggest that we would come to appreciate it more if we would
share it often, everywhere…with everyone who would give a hearing. I might even
go as far as to say—we would learn to love it more through sharing it and
watching what God does with it in the hearts of those who hear.
In my recent trip to South Asia, I was part of a team working in an unentered (by us) village. Like many of the areas where we have worked, poverty was about the only thing the people had plenty of. And hospitality. This village was marginally receptive to a visit from an American. We spent several hours from house to house sitting on the floor and discussing the gospel.
Receiving a gift of honor, hand-crafted by the people of that church as an expression of gratitude.
As I would share the stories of hope from the gospels, I would ask the questions: Have you heard this story before? Have you heard of this Jesus before? Most all stated they had never heard the story of hope, but some had heard of Jesus. At some point in the past, EV teams had entered the village from a different tribe of Christians. They had taught the people that a sign of repentance and trusting Jesus was that the women would be more plainly adorned, forsaking the wearing of jewelry (piercings and bangles). My interpreter spent the majority of the time trying to convince the villagers that we did not believe that to become a believer one would have to stop wearing jewelry. In most cases, the women refused to “believe” because they did not wish to stop wearing bangles (thin, jeweled bracelets usually worn several at a time).
Like you, I might think that is a “silly” obstacle to overcome to find peace and forgiveness. But then again, I am approaching the matter with Western eyes. I later spoke to our area partner (pastor) who explained the problem. The pastor advised that he often ran into this objection in his area and found the same results. He explained that a “widow” in these villages would not wear bangles. She would dress in a plain outfit and refuse the jeweled accessories as a sign of mourning.
A church we were privileged to share testimony with and I had the privilege to preach to on Sunday. Our national part there is doing an amazing work
So, imagine if you would…a woman in America coming to faith and being told to remove her wedding band, earrings, and any other pretty accessories. Besides the cultural stigma from her friends (you’re married but refuse to wear a ring), and the cultural assumptions by her community (she is not wearing a ring so she must be unmarried), the disrespect shown to her husband would become a stumbling block to the gospel in his life and an affront to his honor as a husband. All because of poor cultural exegesis (a study of the cultural norms) and weakly supported theology (jewelry itself is somehow worldly and ungodly).
Our team praying with gathered locals who were hearing the gospel and seeking God’s mercy
The well-intentioned (charitably speaking) efforts of this false gospel propagating group had done incredible harm to the advance of the Kingdom in these villages. They had inadvertently (again charitably speaking) erected a stumbling block to those who would hear the life-changing offer of Christ.
I am reminded of James 3:1 which reminds those who teach the things of God that we will incur a stricter judgment for influencing people to believe false assertions about Christ. I am also reminded of our Western history of the same type of things. (i.e. Skirt lengths, music, dancing, playing cards, make-up, and tattoos, just to name a few).
A goodbye photo with dear friends whose love and leadership inspires me
As I reflect on this, I am convinced that we MUST be more diligent to ensure that if we speak on behalf of our gracious Father and misrepresent the timeless and perfect message He has entrusted to us, we make ourselves accountable for the eternal damnation of untold scores of people. Their blood is, in part, on our hands.
As a messenger entrusted with a message, make sure you get
it right. We will all stand one day before Him to give an account.
I would love to hear your thoughts…particularly if you think I am embellishing or overstating my case. The conversation matters, because the gospel matters.
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