#P5: Rise up and call her blessed

Pastor's Five, P5 logo“Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household, and she does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and bless her, her husband also, and he praises her saying: ‘Many daughters have done nobly, but you excel them all.’ “ Proverbs 31:25-29, NASB.

On this Mother’s Day…it is fitting ESPECIALLY to remember the impact of mother’s in our lives. It is not the ONLY day we should do so, but especially today.

We are foolish if we attempt to reframe history and give honor where it is not due. We should not look at bad parenting and call it good or good and call it bad. We should look at deeds and call them what they are. That is the point of this passage. We are told ALWAYS to honor mothers (and fathers) as this is right and leads to our blessing. This is honor based on position. Every mother and father is due respect…even if he or she is a horrible example or had no involvement in our lives. We honor them because we honor God and He has instructed us to do so. This passage in Proverbs in more than that “honoring.” It is a BLESSING in consideration of performance. It is a recognition of performance and the impact of a mother.

As you read the chapter in Proverbs, you realize that this woman is the “total package.” Some today read it and determine that the woman is fictional…since no one can do all that she did. They see her as an aspirational example only. Yet, if the text speaks for itself, this is a real person. Others read it and declare that the writer is doing so through “rose colored glasses.” She isn’t really THAT GOOD but the writer just thinks she is. Again, this view is not supported by the text.

The best reading is this…she is a hard-working, behind the scenes woman with grace and kindness as the cornerstone elements of her character. She is responsible, resourceful, and recognized as promising provider who cares deeply for her household, her husband, and her children. She prides herself on providing. She is a servant and a servant of servants. As such, the product of her hands (v.31) evokes praise from her household and even the entire community.

As I reflect on this today, I desire to live in such a place that recognizes the contribution of a mom as significant. Not a working mom (though this one was and those today are praiseworthy as well), but a mom. IOW…we should celebrate the incalculable contribution of a mom who encourages, strengthens, provides, and nurtures her family and her household…if she works outside the home or even if she never goes to college and never works outside the home…

See, motherhood itself is significant and doing it well…is praiseworthy. So, for those to whom it applies…”Rise up and bless her.”

Shalom, CA.

#P5: God gives

“Then all the wicked and worthless men among those who went with David said, ‘Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we have recovered except to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away and depart.’ Then David said, ‘You must not do so, my brother, with what the Lord has given us, who has kept us and delivered into our hands the band that came against us. And who will listen to you in this matter? For as his share is who goes down to battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike.'” 1 Samuel 30:22-24, NASB.

I found a couple of interesting observations in this text today. First of all, the dissenters are considered wicked and worthless based on their greedy hearts, not based on their actions. They had fought well in battle. They demonstrated courage and fierceness in executing the mission; however, the Scripture calls them worthless. We learn from this that we can do the right things for the wrong reasons and God is not thrown off or confused. He looks at our hearts. He does not need our activity to accomplish His will.

Secondly, David calls these “worthless and wicked” men…brothers. They had stood by him and fought for him in battle. He does not destroy them because their hearts are wrong. Sometimes we can become indignant with others as if we alone hold moral high ground and all those others who have sin in their lives…they are as gum on our shoes. Now, David is not affirming their wickedness. To the contrary, he addresses it and corrects it and gives the reason (God gave us this victory). But, he also does not discount the sinful men in his midst; rather, he embraces them as brothers.

Finally, David explains the reason why we must/ought to be generous with the spoils of “battle.” After all, it is God who gives strength for battle and favor in battle. Who are we to decide others are undeserving of the grace we are enjoying? This is significant…because many today set standards in their lives that are contrary to God’s. “I won’t give to that church because I don’t agree that the direction is best…or they don’t deserve it.” The tone is such that it seems that the speak believes that HE is responsible for his bank account. It is as though he thinks that HE is the one who earned the money and worked the job and amassed the wealth…so HE can decide who is deserving of HIS generosity. David reminds us that if we have the ability to work, it is God who strengthens. If we have a good job or two decent jobs, it is God who provides those opportunities and the ability to perform. God has his reasons and He may just as well desire to meet the needs of others through the labors of some (which is the context of the story). Those who disagree or think otherwise…are the wicked and worthless ones described in the story.

Let’s not be that guy! God’s grace is not to be monopolized by those who received it.

Shalom, CA.