Weep for Hawking’s Family…

In 2002, I was introduced for the first time (that I recall) the work of Stephen Hawking. He was a brilliant physicist and a self-avowed atheist (HERE, and HERE). His work on the origin of the universe has been formative in educational curriculum to say the least.

Since hearing of his death, I have listened to many who have selectively spoken of him in nearly “saint-like” terms; whereas other, many of them Christian, have pointed out that he is no longer an atheist and has met the Lord as Judge. Consequently, opinions have flown back and forth and even a few barbs along the way. So, how should a Christian feel about Hawking’s death? Further, how should one speak of the death of an unbeliever in order to balance compassion and truth?

What is certain is that Hawking has stepped into eternity. It is difficult to say…but he entered into an eternal judgment the moment his death occurred. His fate is sealed and not by some capricious act from a temperamental God; rather, his eternity reflects just consequences for willful choices in his life to resist the evidence that points to God (Romans 1). Here are a couple of truths:

  • But for the grace of God, there go I. (Ephesians 2:8-9) No one earns righteousness with God. No one is justified by merit; rather, each person who experiences the forgiveness of the Lord does so because God is gracious and merciful, a friend to sinners and a redeemer of those who would call on Him. There is no room, therefore, for prideful reactions to the death of a lost person.
  • Amen and Amen. When Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron were judged and killed for their sin against God, Moses told Aaron not to cry (Leviticus 10:1-7). This may seem heartless, but it is instructive to us. A Christian, by definition, greatly desires the Lord’s honor and glory to be manifested. To wish against justice toward sin is to diminish the glory of God. To bemoan the Lord’s actions or to try to soften the consequences of sin by creating the “possibility narrative,” (i.e. “it is possible he prayed for salvation just before his death;” or, “perhaps God will forgive him since he contributed so much to science”) reduces God’s righteousness to some form of a quid pro quo. God is righteous and just. He does not reduce His standards to squeeze one more person into heaven. Instead, He fulfills the standard and invites all to seek and find forgiveness in Christ.
  • Weep with those who weep. Whenever a life is lost in death, there are people deeply affected. Weep with them. Do not act as though they should not grieve. They should. Grieve with them, sharing in their loss.
  • Commit to more fervent evangelism. (John 9:4) There will be some who will be swept up in the accolades attributed to this scientist. Some may adopt his beliefs as their own. Be more passionate for their salvation than ever before…because hell is real and God is just. Eternity is fixed at our death and it is…forever. Live your life to turn back sinners from their rebellion calling them to turn to Christ (Jude 23; Romans 12:15).

Babies…and the Bible

It has been a few seasons now, but I remember the transition of our family from no kids to having children. Sure, sleeplessness increased as did the grocery bill. Sure, laughter increased, but so did the tears. Another thing that changed was…EVERYTHING! We could not go to the store or out to eat without packing 3 days of potential supplies into the car. We arranged our schedules around feedings and naps. We changed our own personal habits…and even altered how loud we talked around how it would affect the baby.

Yes, a baby changes everything! Now exchange the baby for God’s instruction through his Word.

Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You. Psalm 119:11, NASB. You may have a translation that renders this verse as I “have hidden,” (NIV, NLT, NKJV) or “stored up” (ESV). The semantic range of the Hebrew word supports all of these renderings, but the sense of the usage relates to more than merely storing something away or hiding it from sight, but of placing it under lock and key as you would your most precious jewels or family heirlooms. As David communicates this truth of “hiding God’s word” he is emphasizing the value he places on it and how he aligns his life around it.

We often speak of Psalm 119:11 when making the case for Scripture memorization. Memorize Scripture…hide it in your heart! Yes…but let’s not be misled into thinking that memorizing Scripture is the same as treasuring it. The Pharisees who were nearly universally in Jesus’ crosshairs could recite books of the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible)…but they missed the Messiah…not because they did not memorize Scripture, but because they did not treasure it.

David communicates throughout Psalm 119 that the Word of the Lord influenced his actions in every regard. David depended on God’s Word for wisdom, comfort, encouragement, restraint, and knowing the course of every step in His life. He did not simply memorize a verse or a book of verses, but he considered them and meditated on them and aligned his life around them. He treasured the word from the Lord.

Many years ago, our oldest son attended a Christian school and was required to memorize Scripture. He came home with a long passage which he had been working on and the head of the school required that it be memorized in an older translation. After Dillon recited it to me, I asked him to simply tell me what it meant. He was clueless. We immediately found him a different translation and focused our reinforcement on explaining the verses to the point of understanding. We did not stop memorizing Scripture, but we made sure that the goal was understanding what we memorized so we could treasure the Word.

Someone said, “We (today’s Christians in churches) know far more than we apply.” To our shame…I must agree.

Here’s today’s question: How does your knowledge of God’s Word affect your parenting, your web-surfing practices, your work ethic, your view of and actions toward the poor, your approach to disagreement and conflict resolution, and your making of disciples?

What we treasure changes us. It changes our actions. O Lord, Your word have treasured in my heart that I may not sin against you.

Motivated by Grace and Glory, not Guilt

“For I testify, that according to their ability and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord, begging us with much urging for the favor of participation in the support of the saints…” 2 Corinthians 8:3-4.

A video of an impoverished village in a third world country with children displaying distended bellies from malnourishment…juxtaposed with a clip of a middle-class American community with two cars in the drive of a 3,000 square foot house and the top of the 26-foot Boston Whaler boat peering over the privacy fence to the backyard. Two cultures…two reference points…one purpose: to make the argument that there is something fundamentally unfair about some having so much while others lack the basic necessities of life.

There is truth in the assertion perhaps…but the motives for displaying the contrast give rise to the question…what should motivate generosity for the Christ-follower? Often times, the motivation is guilt…but the Scripture presents the case that the motivation should be gratitude for the grace of God in the believer’s life and the desire for God’s glory to be manifested…everywhere.

Yesterday I shared a message that included the text above and recognized that Paul was enamored with GRACE throughout the passage. In fact, he used the Greek Word charis seven times in the chapter. Charis is most often translated “grace,” though the semantic range can include words like “favor, thanks, gracious work,” and the like. The point is, Paul saw GRACE (or better-the understanding and appreciation of grace) as the motivator for deeds that touch human need.

To make this case, let me point out three things:

  • Wealth and possessions are not bad things. God gives them to people. It is not what you possess that is evil, but what possesses you.
  • The generosity of Paul’s example church (the Macedonians) was based on their grace-motivated kindness amid their deep poverty and great affliction (2 Cor 8:2). IOW- they had no connection to middle-class suburban American lifestyles, and were abundantly generous, even beyond their ability!
  • It was the JOY in the Macedonian church that overflowed in generosity. That is to say, they evaluated their circumstances (God’s grace toward them even in the midst of their trials and poverty) and were so joyful at its value, that they could do nothing but give generously to touch those who were in need.

Some may question if the Macedonians were a one-time example…or if their actions are intended to be exemplary for believers at all times. The Scriptures suggest that the generous display of the Macedonians is exemplary and not merely a one-time explanation. Beyond the fact that Paul actually used their story as a motivator for the churches of Corinth, the principle agrees with other places in Scripture: The boy who gave up his lunch that was used to feed the five thousand (Matthew 14:13-21), Mary’s anointing Jesus with her own funeral oil (Matthew 26:6-13), and even the words of Christ Himself that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).

A true understanding of grace ALWAYS results in an overwhelming response of humility, gratitude, worship…and a physical response that springs up from the fertile soil of these elements. Grace begets grace. We receive grace and therefore we demonstrate grace! In most cases, we demonstrate grace and then we receive it back! After all, how could we really comprehend the grace of Christ toward us and it not rise up from our soul as a spring of abundant joy resulting in a wealth of generosity toward others.

It’s true…when we touch poverty. It’s true…when we love the unlovely. It’s true…when we communicate the gospel.

May the grace of God spring forth from your life today! Because He came, lived, died, was buried, rose again, and called you to tell the story…in both Word and Deed.

How’s Your Prayer Life?

This past Sunday, I shared a message (found HERE) from God’s Word to the people I have the privilege to call “my church,” (not that they are mine as if I died for them, but that God has entrusted to me the privilege and responsibility to shepherd them and teach them the things of God, in season and out of season). The message related to the series we are studying that examines what qualities, characteristics, and disciplines the Lord seems to use most often to accomplish great things for His glory and His Kingdom work. This week we looked at kingdom prayer from Luke 11:1-13.

In Luke’s account of what many call “The Lord’s Prayer” but should more accurately be called the “Model Prayer,” we find several key elements of prayer that reaches heaven. I shared five of those elements in the message:

  • A FOCUS on God’s GLORY.
  • A DESIRE for God’s KINGDOM.

What I think is telling is that Jesus doesn’t stop with a form or format for prayer, but continues to express that kingdom empowered, world-changing, life-transforming prayer is also PERSISTENT as it continues until the burden is lied (like the man knocking at the door at midnight). Further, it is CONFIDENT in the fact that God answers the prayers of His people and always answers in a GOOD manner. Those examples, that Jesus gives inform us and instruct us. They also may convict us.

As I reviewed the message myself again today, I was impressed with these two questions:

How’s my prayer life?

How’s the prayer life of God’s people at Calvary…my people?

So, perhaps you’d ask yourself:

“Does my daily prayer life exhibit these things?”

If so, Praise the Lord and press on. If not, today is a great day to begin or begin again.

Make a difference for the King today!

If you’d like to view the message on prayer, CLICK HERE to be taken to my video channel.

Don’t Discount the Difficulties…

Life is hard. Even on its best days, there are moments that test you, try you, and even grieve you. Some believe that difficulties are the times we must endure so that we can get back to God’s plan for our lives. In these cases, it is as if the difficulties are an interruption to God’s good favor on our lives. What if, however, difficulties were significant and good and glorious and God’s design?

I was meditating on Psalm 23 this morning and thinking through events of recent days. This verse arrested me: “Even though I walk through the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because You are with me…” (Psalm 23:4).

No one volunteers for “the valley of the shadow of death.” That would be crazy; however, it was in the valley that David recognized God’s presence. (Because You are with me…)

This observation is not new. It is not trendy. It is not unique to the Old Testament. It is, rather, a consistent theme. It was under a Juniper tree in the desert when God sent an angel to minister to Elijah. It was walking on the waters of the Sea where Peter experienced Jesus’ salvation. It was in the prison that Paul and Silas, having endured beatings and humiliation that they were stirred in their hearts and sang hymns that ushered God’s saving presence into the jail and saved a household.

James opens his epistle by reminding us to “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.” (James 1:2-3).

Perhaps a better view of trials and difficulties is required. When facing the trials, consider these five things:

  • What is God Doing? If this trial is intended to cause me to stumble, it is not a trial but a temptation…meaning that it is not God who is acting. (James 1:13).
  • Where is God working? God never wastes His time. Pause and pray, asking to see what God is up to. What areas of the trial are most heart-wrenching and prevalent.
  • How does this trial build on what I learned in the last one? In my experience, God doesn’t use a one and done (Like: Oh, you need some humility. Here is a humbling experience. Check. Ok, back to your regularly scheduled life—God).
  • What are you confessing? Often, our trials are connected to the sins we are confessing. For instance, “God I struggle to love others with a love like Christ. Forgive me…” This may be followed by a trial of loving an unlovely person or losing an opportunity to love someone…through death or disconnection.
  • Who is God putting in your path? If you read and reflect on 2 Corinthians 1, you realize that God is always shaping us through our experiences to be a conduit of comfort and grace toward others. Often, God teaches me compassion toward others by allowing me to experience a similar struggle. This really does influence my empathy.

Ultimately, if we hold to a correct doctrine of God’s sovereignty we must declare that God is sovereign both on the mountaintops and in the valleys. So…don’t discount the difficulties. They are gracious gifts from a loving and sovereign King.