As I was reading this passage recently, I tried to think of how many courses I have taken on the “end times.” I think between undergraduate and seminary courses, I have had at least four different classes dedicated to the subject. What I have learned from all of these hours…is that I really don’t know what is going to happen in the “end times.” What I do know is that the church is taken up out of this world, it gets very scary on earth, and then Jesus comes back to make it right. In fact, that is what he says in our reading:
19“For those days will be a time of tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will. 20“Unless the Lord had shortened those days, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom He chose, He shortened the days…26“Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:19-20, 26 (NASB95)
Now here is how the Lord applied this in my heart.
Things in this world are not easy. In fact, they are really, really difficult.
Even in the midst of the darkest days, God graciously controls the darkness so that it is not completely overwhelming.
No matter how difficult things get, the darkness doesn’t get the last word.
That’s right! As a way of comforting his followers as they considered the darkness, He reminded them that He was coming soon.
As you and I look about the world today, let’s remember, Jesus is coming soon. He is not unaware or unconcerned about our plight. He is not only aware and concerned but He is powerful to do something about the darkness. Further, He is not only aware, concerned and powerful, but He is coming again to make it right.
Be encouraged church…and on the days that seem overwhelming, look to the sky and get ready. He’s coming soon.
10And the whole multitude of the people were in prayer outside at the hour of the incense offering. 11And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. 12Zacharias was troubled when he saw the angel, and fear gripped him. 13But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John….18Zacharias said to the angel, “How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.” Luke 1:10–13, 18 (NASB95)
Sometimes it seems that you can pray for something so long and so earnestly, that when you finally do get an answer, it is hard to believe.
I love the opening account in Luke’s gospel of this man. Zacharias is described as a righteous man, walking blamelessly before the Lord in regard to all of the Law. What a testimony! His wife also was devout in every respect; however, even though they had been faithful, the answer to their heart’s prayer eluded them for many years. (Luke 1:6-7). It was in the course of Zacharias’ performance of Temple duties that God’s message came through. Zacharias was thrown at how to take the news. After all, he had prayed that same prayer for a son or daughter perhaps thousands of times. A couple of quick observations:
First, don’t give up praying. The answer may be closer than you think.
Second, God’s delay is not necessarily His denial.
Third, your desperation does not deter God’s able response. There was no physical explanation for how Zacharias and Elizabeth could conceive. It was practically and even physically impossible…except for God.
Fourth, stuff happens when people gather to pray. Did you notice that the people were assembled outside when Zacharias heard the answer. They were all praying together.
Finally, God’s will was not derailed by Zacharias’ lack of faith. If a lack of faith could stop God from bringing about His will, the world would be doomed.
*This devotional first appeared 03.19.2021 as part of the e-connect series at Englewood Baptist Church
Once a week. That’s usually how often I am asked. “When do you think it will be safe to come back to church?” I wonder if the question is actually eclipsing the answer.
Why? Because ours is not a safe faith. Ours is not a low-risk proposition. Ours is not a comfortable existence. At least, not in its design. Having been arrested and threatened by the same people that ordered the death of their Rabbi, these disciples found themselves weighing out risk and praying an unusual prayer:
29“And now, Lord, take note of their threats, and grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence, 30while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders take place through the name of Your holy servant Jesus.” 31And when they had prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:29–31 (NASB95)
These disciples felt it odd to ask Jesus for safety. They instead asked for boldness. Of greatest importance in their lives was not survival but significance. They worried less about their untimely deaths than their neighbor’s eternal lostness. They prayed for boldness.
We learn from this prayer where confidence…that which the disciples begged God for…comes from.
Confidence (boldness) is a supernatural gift. They asked God for confidence.
Confidence is an exhibited gift. As they prayed, they were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with boldness.
Confidence is rooted in God’s Person. The first words of their prayer was to ask Jesus to take note of the circumstances: both their threats and our calling.
If Christian doctors valued safety over mission, they’d never show up for work. Instead, they wash up, glove up, mask up, and press forward. If Christian police officers valued safety over mission, they’d never show up for work. Instead, they stand up, strap on their gear, mask up, and head out to protect you and me. The mission before us as Christ-followers is no less important than that of medical professional and police officers. Perhaps we might consider and pray, Lord, take note of our circumstances, and grant that your servants might engage our culture, express praise in worship, demonstrate confidence in an all-knowing and all-powerful God, while you extend your hand to heal and save.
Originally published in The BEAM, March 2021, Englewood Baptist Church, Rocky Mount, NC
14You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:14–17 (NASB95)
Jodi and I, Christmas 2020 with our grandson
Happy New Year! On this first day of 2021 we are reminded that life is a gift. None of us deserve today, or any day for that matter; yet, God has entrusted it to us. The idea of “entrusted” means that God has exercised trust in us that we will manage the gift of the day well. One thing is certain…today will be what we make it.
As we begin a new year, we also begin a new Bible reading plan together as a church family. What a PRIVILEGE to have access to the Word of God. We pray often as a gathered church for entire people groups around the world that do not know of Jesus, have no Scriptures in their language, and have no churches in their cities…while you and I have easy access to numerous resources. We can read the Scriptures in dozens of English translations and even in the original language with some training. What will you do with what has been entrusted to you?
The verses above appear in a certain context. They were written as an instruction to Timothy (and all of us by extension) in light of the fact that his world was becoming increasingly self-centered and God-averse. Against the backdrop of this ever-darkening outlook of humanity, Paul instructed Timothy to continue in the teachings that had been entrusted to him from childhood. The word “continue” is the Greek word meno, meaning remain or abide. It is familiar to us as it is the instruction of the Lord to us in John 15:5 (NASB95), “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (emphasis added).
In the same way that our fruitful living (John 15:5) is tied to our abiding in Christ, our ability to stand firm in godliness in the world where we live is tied to abiding in the Scriptures.
Let me add two more caveats:
I have never met a person who grew in faithfulness and blessing in Christ that did not have a disciplined approach to Bible reading.
Second, if our God saw fit to reveal Himself to us through Holy Scripture, what exactly was it He desired and designed for us to know in His Word?
Perhaps you’ve read through the Bible before. If so, you’ve likely already committed to doing it again with us this year. However, if you have never undertaken the discipline (or haven’t yet completed a plan that you started), let me invite you to join me as we read through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs together this year. WHAT IF God had a word for you and me this year and wanted to reveal it to us through our corporate reading plan? Would we allow Him to speak to us? Would we chase after Him together?
If you prefer (as I often do) to read from a traditional paper copy of the Scriptures, there are reading plan reminders and (wait for it) memory verse cards for every month available throughout the campus. You can also access these as well as a number of tools for those who prefer to use the EBC App or the Bible App. You can access them easily at this link:
If you want to be part of a group that reads together on the Bible App, I am starting a group there as well. Simply click on these links to join my group (limited to the first 150 people).
The other pastors will likely start groups as well. You can start your own group! What if you started a group and invited your Connect Group, your soccer team, or your Facebook friends to join you?
Church, I LOVE YOU…and I am excited about all the Lord has in store for us TOGETHER in the coming year.
I am asked a lot (especially in these days) what Bible Translation I preach from. Most folks that ask the question are part of the church I am privileged to teach weekly and simply want to follow along to the preaching text more closely. I respect that. In fact, one of the first things I did many years ago was grab a translation that matched the one my pastor used.
I made the decision almost twenty years ago to center my preaching ministry on the text of the New American Standard Bible (NASB). From early on in Bible College and Seminary, many of the professors required this translation because it was considered to be one of the most accurate translations that held to “formal equivalence translation philosophy.” That means (essentially) that the translators sought to use the English Word that most accurate translated the precise word in the original language: either Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek; and, to use the essentially literal equivalent word even if doing so made the sentence a little more difficult to read.
That said, I am not married to a particular translation. You’ll not hear me get on a rant about one translation or another. In fact, most English translations are useful for their intended purpose.
Remember that the sixty-six books of the Bible were originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Throughout the ages, these writings have been translated into popular language to make the text accessible to the masses of people. Unless you’re a Hebrew scholar, you’re likely unfamiliar with Hebrew vocabulary; therefore, the best way to make the Old Testament accessible to you is to translate it into English. Whenever you translate between languages, you have a difficulty to overcome…not every language has an exact equivalent word for every other language. Furthermore, specific language nuance (such as colloquialisms) carries with it shades of meaning.
For instance, If I wrote in a letter, “That Clemson safety killed that receiver on that last play,” you may have trouble translating word for word into Hindi without confusing the reader. After all, no one actually died in the football game. Because of this, some translators choose to modify the words in the receptor language to capture the idea of the original. (Think NIV).
Other translators also use a philosophy like that of the NASB, but they are a little more open in their word choices, seeking to make the sentence structures more easily readable (Think ESV or CSB, NKJV).
So, why do I use the NASB? As you know, I make a big deal out of words and word meanings. I think that’s an important aspect of my teaching/preaching ministry. Therefore, I chose a translation that most accurately reflected an essentially literal equivalent to the original language.
Do you only read the NASB? No! I read a passage from several translations in my preparation process and will occasionally use different translations in the act of preaching if another translation communicates the passage better.
Do you recommend that we get a NASB Bible if we are under your teaching? Bible translations (to me) are an intensely personal decision. So, my answer is, “It depends.” If following along word-for-word with my sermon text is important to you, then you will likely be most interested in getting a NASB Bible. If you have memorized a thousand verses in the NKJV and that is your heart language (so to speak) then stick with what you prefer. There are no bonus points or demerits for using a particular translation. As a side note, there is no uniformity among the pastors on our staff at the church. We use the ESV, NASB, NKJV, and even a KJV just on our staff. I personally have been reading the CSB devotionally all year and have grown to like it.
How should I choose a translation? First, I would probably use a Bible App and read a passage in several translations. For instance, read John 3 or Philippians 1 in the NASB, NIV, ESV, and NKJV. See which one is easiest to comprehend. You may even find the NLT to be helpful. I personally find it to be very conversational in tone but difficult to study (since I am a big “word” guy).
Will you always preach from the NASB? I would hate to commit to “always,” but it has served me well for almost two decades and I don’t see a reason to shift to anything else on the market today. I will switch to the 2020 update in a few months from the 1995 version that I currently use. This is primarily because those who use Apps to read the text will almost all get the 2020 version when they select the NASB rather than the older one from 1995. Also, the minor language adjustments I have seen seem to be helpful.
Will you ever use another translation? Yes. Count on some cross references coming from other translations at times; however, I will typically use the NASB for my primary Bible text.
Why do we have so many translations anyway? That’s a great and “common” question. When you read the front pages of a translation, the translators explain their rationale and philosophy. Also, there are other issues that inform translation work, but that is a conversation for another day and a good reason for you to enroll in one of my studies in the future on the Doctrine of the Bible. Again, I find different translations helpful since I am not an expert in any of the ancient biblical languages.
Why did you write these 1,000 words about your bible translation? That is the best question of the day. I thought I might try to answer a question I am often asked by others. I hope that if you made it this far, the article was helpful.
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