Priorities communicate something. We make time for the things that are most important to us. Some years ago, a mentor of mine asked me about my golf game. I told him I wanted to but didn’t have time. He made a statement I will never forget: “Chris, Golf, to me, is like your quiet time. If you really want to do it, you will.”
This article is an update to one I published in 2020. The bones are the same as they were back then. I hope it helps.
It. Never. Fails. Someone has a better idea. Their “philosophy” is better than mine. Often times though, particularly in our social media world, people with better philosophies have just that: a philosophy. There is no action. No change. Just an idea.
Not long back, I was listening to a guy tell me his philosophy of evangelism. He shared some trendy new perspectives that would make any old evangelism professor cringe. It was the BEST…according to this guy. Then…the telling question (or at least my “Dr. Phil” version of it): “How’s that working for you?” The silence was deafening.
I have resolved to commit afresh to the discipline of personal worship with the Lord. Some call this “quiet time” but I prefer to think of it as a personal (not private) worship opportunity I avail myself of daily.
My day generally begins around 5:10 AM. That’s when the coffee finishes brewing.
- Coffee. Obviously, this is important, or the Book of Hebrews wouldn’t be there. [Think about it].
- Prayer. 2-5 mins. This is more about me talking to God. “Lord, help me to see and hear from you today. Give me wisdom and clarity. Speak to me. Give me the courage to accept You and Your Word as you speak.”
- I read 4-5 devotionals first. 5-8 mins. (Chambers, Piper, Blackaby, Begg, and some short-term devotional on varied topics throughout the year. Topics like manhood, leadership, marriage, prayer, praise, etc.) These devotionals seem to prime my thinking and the part of my brain that applies truth.
- Bible Reading Plan. 10-15 mins. I read from a structured annual Bible Reading Plan. (This Year’s is “The Navigator’s Book-at-a-time” Reading Plan, available on the YouVersion Bible App. While reading, I underline, highlight, and write notes in the margin if my mind is carried to a place.
- Take Note- This is not a deep dive reading process of cross-references or word studies. It is the Scripture at a 5,000-foot level. I am looking for big-picture themes and verses that catch my attention.
- [Also, I try to read in a different translation every year to keep it fresh. This year is the NASB95].
- I journal (as led) and pray things that God brings to mind. 5-15 mins. A lot of my journaling is archived here on this site. I also have many notes in my Evernote App that are too seminal to share on this site, or that God is working on me with. My journal notes could also be a prompt for deeper study. That is the bulk of my journaling. As for prayer, this part is about reflecting and listening.
- Extra-biblical reading. (10-20 mins) I read the news highlights and interesting articles in Baptist Press. I may read articles from favorite theologians, academics, preachers, and some entertaining weirdos [smile]. I may also select readings from different-minded publications (I’d put the Huffington Post and half my X feed in here).
A couple of considerations:
- I try not to hurry. As you can see, I average around 40-60 mins. My deadline is 6am, so I can get a workout in before leaving for the office.
- This is a morning discipline for me. I find my mind is sharpest in the morning, so this is my early routine.
- I don’t have the “extra hour” either. Yep, someone was thinking it. I’d do that but I don’t have time in the morning! Well, neither did I. So, I changed my other routines. I go to bed earlier than most and skip a lot of late television.
- This works for ME. Remember, this is not my philosophy but my activity. It may not work for you. It may be too long, or too early, or too “anything.” Don’t mimic what I do because I do it. Do what works for you, but DO IT in a disciplined manner.
Two quick cautions:
- Don’t set the bar too low. I know some guys tell me that they do their Bible while driving in the morning. I listen to audible books and podcasts too, but this time of devotional discipline is DEVOTED (see what I did there) to the Lord. It is His time. I even have a favorite place to do it. Even if it were 15 minutes a day devoted to Him…might it be worth it to focus on Him rather than the person who almost ran you off the road texting? [smile]
- Don’t get discouraged. If you set a lofty goal and can’t hang with it, adjust it. Shrink it to what you CAN do. Build from there if you find it necessary. That’s what I did.
Thank you for sharing how you carve out time first thing in the morning for our Lord. Being transparent and sharing what you practice helps us to form and create our own time with God. No matter where you are in the world, it is always best to start and end each day with Him….It is not what you do, it’s how you start…..My husband always says, “The hardest part of any job is getting started”……So true, but so worth it!