1Brethren, my heart’s desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.
2For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.
3For not knowing about God’s righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God.
4For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Romans 10:1-4, NASB95
I once worked for a guy who was the consummate motivator. He was a football player and an aspiring football coach. Circumstances to him were less important than attitude. I never saw him without a smile on his face. He was always motivating. I imagine that if he were my son’s little league coach, the score could be 100 to 0 with two minutes to play and he would passionately tell the team that there was still a chance for victory. He had zeal!
Paul said the same thing of the Jews, His kinsmen according to the flesh…his fellow countrymen. They were passionate about the Law but saw the Law as the means by which we achieve righteousness. This is in direct conflict with the gospel. If my beliefs or your beliefs require us to do anything to earn our salvation, then our faith is no longer in the good news (Gospel) because there is nothing we can do that earns our righteousness. In fact, as verse four states, Christ is the end of the law for righteousness…to all who believe.
That means that earnestness will not make us right with God. Transparency will not make us right with God. Authenticity will not make us right with God. Good deeds that we do will not make us right with God. Only Christ can make us right with God because only Christ is the end of the law for righteousness.
This is good news…and bad. It is good news because it levels the ground around the cross. You are not behind. You are not ahead. You are precisely equal with every other human being from Adam to the Apostle Peter, John to Jude, and from Malachi to Matthew. No one is excluded at all. The bad news is…we struggle to believe that we are bad enough to need a Savior. We think that in the pecking order of sin, surely, we are more righteous than Hitler, or Osama Bin Laden, or Chris Aiken. Surely! But we are not. In fact, the more we understand God and His gracious plan of redemption, the more humbled we become. We are slow to try to compare ourselves with others, and we certainly don’t elevate ourselves to a place of judging others in a manner that conflicts with the Word of God. If God says “forgive” …we don’t reply, “Yea, but…”.
In many ways, it seemed that Paul was so grieved because his countrymen felt they had an inside line, an advantage, a Fast Pass to get through the Pearly Gates and he argues that what should have been an advantage (the Covenant and the Law), because they had misused it, actually became to be an obstacle to overcome.
The same could be said for religious people today. Your neighbors perhaps. Maybe even you. Stop giving your resume to the Lord. Stop relying on “standing” from your good works. Instead, fall down before Jesus, surrender to His reign in your life, and find that which truly satisfies…the righteousness that only Christ can provide.
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