This is the first of several articles I will publish this week discussing my recent trip to this region. Check back daily for pictures and reflections on lessons from the trip…
Well, this question is a little weird. I know the obvious answer is because Jesus commanded us to make disciples of ALL people groups, and South Asians are part of the “ALL.” I also know that mission trips are fun experiences of fellowship and personal growth. I also know it is exciting to experience different cultures up close. These are all great reasons.

Of course, some would say to me: We go because of the “call of God” on our lives specifically and uniquely. If He tells you to go, you must go! This is also a true statement that I would not argue.
However, what if there were three other reasons to go? Would you?
In recent days I had a great privilege to work with dear friends from our church in a ministry area we have been involved in for over a decade. Our church identified a People Group that was Unreached and Unengaged (meaning we had no known believers and no active disciple-making efforts among them (that we were aware of). On my trip, I wanted to see the work up close and minister alongside our network of national leaders/partners who were evangelizing, discipling, and deploying their own people to reach their nation (political entity).

In the process of four days, our teams saw 75 professions of faith across several villages that were previous unentered. That’s right…no one had been among the villagers to tell them of Jesus. I know…because I asked them. As part of the sharing model we employed, I had the opportunity for significant dialogue (through my interpreter). In every encounter, I asked if the person had heard of Jesus and if he/she had heard the story from the Word of God that had shared with them. Without fail, the stories of hope from Scripture were foreign to the people. While some had heard the name of Jesus, all but a handful of the 150+ people we shared with were certain that this was their FIRST TIME hearing the Name of Jesus. That is really my first reason—because people have never heard of God’s Son.

Second, I think someone should go because people are receptive to the Gospel. Receptivity to the gospel is not a constant everywhere. It ebbs and flows. With only a few exceptions, every person I spoke with invited us to sit for a moment and share about Jesus.

Finally, I think someone should go because it will change your love life. (Yes, I used that word to catch your attention). I mean to say, I love the South Asian people. I love the culture. I love the food. I love the strong spirit of the people and their humble presence. I love the children’s smiles and I love it when women hear the stories of God’s grace and feel valued by God…a first for many of them. I love it when men hear of the Prodigal Son and find hope for themselves. I love when families hear of my personal faith journey and realize that God is gracious. I love the hospitality of the people. I love them. Going to South Asia will change your love life!

If you’ve never been…let me encourage you to go. Take next year’s vacation and spend it in South Asia. Sit down in a front-row seat watching God do His redemptive work. Watch defeated eyes brighten with the hope of Christ. You’ll never do anything MORE significant than partnering with God in an amazing work like that.
If I can help you or resource you…or just sit and answer questions and concerns over coffee (or Skype), you only need to ask. Shoot me a note from my contact page or through the church where I am privileged to serve.
See you soon! Pastor Chris
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