Recently, I had a discussion with a friend in church about strongholds in the journey of discipleship. I shared how generosity was a personal stronghold for years and how the guilt and shame seemed to increase by layers every week during the offering. Once I made the decision to give a tenth (tithe) of my income to the Lord through my church, my worship suddenly changed! God taught me about His sufficiency, taught me to trust Him, and showed me what I could be part of by simply being obedient to the teachings of Scripture.
Another area that the majority of Christians struggle with is the Lord’s command to “make disciples.” Many substitute “disciple-making” with church attendance, serving in a church program, or teaching a church curriculum; however, there is no way to ignore the command. A “disciple-maker” (Christian) cannot NOT make disciples. Not every Christian is called to serve overseas or serve in vocational ministry through a local church, but EVERY Christian is instructed to make disciples.
Many Christians deal with the same layers of guilt and shame over making disciples that I did over generosity. What if though…they were one decision from releasing the guilt and finding joy? …just as I did with the sin relating to my lack of generosity? How can a person find freedom and joy and encouragement in this area of the disciple-maker’s life? Please allow me suggest three things to do in response to your decision to change:
- Identify WHO. This isn’t complicated. It is simply someone you know that you have not shared the gospel with and have not heard their unique story of how they became a believer. Begin voicing a prayer to the Lord daily, “Lord, grant me the opportunity to share the gospel with ____.”
- Learn HOW. There are dozens of good ways to share. At Englewood (the church I serve) we promote and use the 3 Circles approach. I have used many approaches through the years. I like this one for a number of reasons, among which is the fact that it feels the least awkward when getting started.
- Rehearse WHAT. Write out your own story of conversion (testimony). Share it with a friend, your Connect Group leader, a pastor, or your neighbor’s dog. Listen to how the Gospel is rehearsed in weekly worship services. Practice sharing the Gospel using the 3 Circles approach with your spouse, your children, or a friend. Make it so familiar that you can do it in your sleep.
If this is an area that you would love to experience joy in, join me for the upcoming Focus Group on Becoming Conversational with the Gospel, beginning October 9. I would love to be part of your journey to victory.
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