Thirteen months and we are rounding the corner on the last phase of our build-out. Our home has a number of amazing features and we are truly blessed; however, like most people, we wanted a few changes when we purchased. One of those changes was the addition of a detached garage. When the builder came by to put the sign in the yard and start the ground prep…I will admit…I got a little excited. In fact, I walk out (several times per day) to look at the trenched areas in the yard which serve as the foundation for the garage to come. This leads me to an important, observable truth about life.
Perhaps the most important part of any build is the foundation. It is rarely seen and is often overlooked once the structure is built; however, it is the most important step of the construction if one hopes for the building to last beyond a few years.
The same is true in many areas of our lives. Foundations matter.
- As parents, we “build-out” our children with knowledge, experiences, and activities; however, if their foundation is weak…any real storm can cause their lives to crumble.
- We pursue a career goal, climbing the ladder as quickly as possible, but if we neglect foundational elements, we are but one management change or crisis from it crumbling.
- We pursue spiritual goals and embrace an understanding of God’s purpose for our lives…but if we fail to lay a proper foundation, we risk disillusionment, defeat, or even defection when difficulties arise.

One doesn’t put in a strong foundation for show. No one will ever see it once the block and brick go in. Foundations serve the purpose of providing stability and support for everything that will be built to rest upon it. A proper foundation requires digging down to the solid ground, removing debris, and installing reinforcements at times to ensure that once the weight of the structure is applied, the foundation will hold. Furthermore, everything built on top of the foundation is anchored to elements directly below it. This ties all of the parts together and ensures that the structure will withstand the winds of change.
What’s often the case in our lives is that more attention is given to what is seen above the surface than what all of that rests upon. We help our children become good students and disciplined athletes, but we compromise on instilling an appreciation of value and purpose as defined by our Creator and King. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet lose his soul? (Mark 8:36). We serve in a dozen different ministry tasks through our church but lack the discipline of a consistent time of Scripture reading, meditation, contemplation, and prayer. (See Luke 10:40-42).
What is also true is God’s unchanging grace. If you build a building on a faulty foundation, there is often little recourse other than to tear it down and start over…or live with the imperfect construction. In our spiritual lives, however, God is quick to redeem and restore our failed build-outs. He doesn’t tire of His children’s cries to forgive and start again. So…if you know there are issues with your foundation, may I encourage you to acknowledge that before God, seek His forgiveness and begin again? It is a decision you will never regret.
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