“… ‘Go out at once into the streets and the lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and crippled and blind and lame’… ‘Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled.’’ Luke 14:21-23.

The King has spoken. He has issued a command and His servants obey. In my estimation, this parable is one of the most interesting in the gospels.

- First, it is a parable…meaning it is an earthly story that illustrates a heavenly reality. The setting is a celebration banquet, a huge fellowship event where the grace of the Master is freely given and on full display.
- Second, many of those on the “most likely” list were too busy, too distracted, and too self-consumed to accept the invitation.
- Third, the King never changed His plan, only expanded His guest list. He still chose to show His grace but He focused on those who most would overlook…the poor, the crippled, the blind, the lame, and the outsider. Yes, those who were far from God became the focus of His attention.
- Fourth, the King directed His servants… ‘go get them’…all of the needy who would appreciate His gracious invitation. The servant did over and over…calling and compelling, inviting and encouraging all who would come to join the banquet of celebration.
- Fifth and finally, the King was not satisfied until all of the seats at the banquet were filled.
We are the servants…men and women who are under authority and entrusted with the message, to call and compel…telling them, “The King desires for them to join the banquet!”

The King’s heart is what prompts us as a church to embrace the vision…to see that 96,000 of our unchurched neighbors would hear the invitation from the King… “come and take your seat at the banquet.” We go, not according to our own initiative, but under instruction. We do not provide the banquet from our resources but proclaim His plentiful resources. We do not glory in our own generosity but as eyewitnesses of His!
Who have you told about this incredible invitation? It is my heart and my hope that every person who calls Englewood home would have the privilege to go into the streets and lanes of our city, into the highways and along the

With deep affection,
Pastor Chris
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