Last week, I wrote an article on How I would Grow Spiritually in 2018. SImce then, I have shared a few posts expanding on parts of that plan: A Bible Reading Plan and Devotional Diet. Today I want to briefly touch on a third part of my discipline in hopes that you will embrace it as well.

Almost without fail, I read the corresponding chapter of Proverbs with the day of the month. So, today, the 8th, I read Proverbs 8. I have done this for years and the compelling reason for that is simple: A mentor recommended I do it.

I’ve sat in conference after conference that Johnny Hunt has led. I love him as a voice that speaks truth. He has done ministry well and his daily prayer, “Lord, keep me close and clean,” has served as a reminder and, at times, a convictional catalyst in my life. Pastor Johnny reads Proverbs every day.

Here are a few reasons I think you should join me in reading Proverbs:

  • Timelessness. Wisdom literature is just that…wisdom. Wisdom is not based on circumstance of the trial du jour. It is, just beyond the reach of these things and speaks to many of life’s situations.
  • Short. A chapter takes 3-5 minutes…tops. If you read it slowly. The sayings are usually 2-4 lines and are a collection so they are not always connected.
  • Repetition. I have come to realize in my life, that I don’t always need to know NEW stuff as much as I need to be reminded of what I already know.
  • Affirmation. Reading the wisdom sayings remind me just how much God “gets us.”
  • Memorization. I find myself able to easily memorize these proverbs and God draws them out of my soul, seemingly at just the right time, when they can be used to encourage someone else.
  • They make me smile. Sometimes they say stuff about life that makes me want to reply to my Bible…PREACH!
  • Necessity. I need wisdom. Daily. In abundance. Forever.

So, if I were looking to get onboard to some wisdom, I’d start today. I have also found it helpful to note a date (month and year) beside particularly impactful verses. Funny…when you look back over a year, you can see certain themes emerging and recurring…and God may use that to tell you something. At least He does with me.