US Flag“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8.

The verse above removes all doubt of the limitless nature of God’s love toward us. Not just love of Himself, His purpose, His own glory…but of the deeply rooted value He holds toward us. He loves us.

It is one thing to say that you love someone…that you value him or her…but the truest measure of such devotion and value is demonstrated in the price willing to be paid on his or her behalf. I have heard some say along the way, “I love my spouse, but I just cannot continue to honor my vow of marriage.” This love has limits as is demonstrated by the unwillingness to continue in devotion, “til death we do part.” It may be a love that goes up to the point of deep personal angst…but not to death.

Christ held nothing back. There was no reserved love or withheld devotion. He gave ALL.

I was reflecting on this today in light of the observance of Memorial Day in the US. In like manner, today we observe commitment of men and women who gave their lives in defense of this nation. Not some geographical land mass…but in support of the ideals of the nation. I have said often that the commitment made by veterans, living and dead, is no different. Our oath is the same. We promised to defend the nation (our ideals and way of life) against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. We promised without reservation to follow the orders of our commanders, our leadership and to give every last measure of strength to fulfilling our assigned objective.

Again, it is one thing to say that and another thing to see it demonstrated. Each veteran who puts on a uniform demonstrates a willingness to fight, but those who have fallen in battle demonstrate that they were willing to die rather than fail their commitment.

Today, we honor our war-dead. We honor them because there is no doubt about the level of their commitment or the limitless nature of their love for our nation. Jesus said, “No greater love has any man than this, but to lay down His life for His friends.” No greater love.

So today…celebrate! Have a barbecue and don’t feel at all guilty. Your right to do so in a free country was purchased for you with blood of a friend. He or she died to demonstrate the value of our nation’s ideals. While you are celebrating…remember. You, your life, your FREEDOM meant (demonstrably) so much to those who’ve died that they gave their last full measure of devotion to secure it for you. Finally, value your freedom as precious and worthwhile, It is a wonderful possession and a sacred trust. Your freedom has been entrusted to you.

As Christ died for you, removing all doubt of His love for you…so the American Soldier who died on the field of battle for you demonstrates His love for the ideals of a nation that he or she entrusted to you.

God bless those who’ve given so much and may we all walk worthy of such demonstrated love.

Shalom, CA